List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: libr 53
Maximum Salary:$ 163,000.00
Average Salary:$ 81,023.24
Minimum Salary:$ 35,172.80

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Leary, Margaret A LIBRARIAN Law Library $ 163,000.00 $ 163,000.00
Gosling, William A LIBRARIAN Special Collections Library $ 142,944.00 $ 142,944.00
Blumenthal, Jane L LIBRARIAN Health Sciences Library $ 122,000.00 $ 122,000.00
Sandler, Mark S LIBRARIAN Library Administration $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00
Beaubien, Anne Kathleen LIBRARIAN Library Cooperative Access Svc $ 112,337.00 $ 112,337.00
Marko, Lynn F LIBRARIAN Library Monographs - Catalog $ 110,935.00 $ 110,935.00
Seeman, Corey Glenn LIBRARIAN ROSS SCH Kresge Library $ 110,158.00 $ 110,158.00
Dann, John C Library Director Department Clements Library $ 110,035.00 $ 110,035.00
MacAdam, Barbara LIBRARIAN Graduate Library $ 108,521.00 $ 108,521.00
Dunkle, Rebecca M LIBRARIAN Graduate Library Circulation $ 102,543.00 $ 102,543.00
Ayers, Leighann LIBRARIAN Library Acquisitions - Serials $ 100,280.00 $ 100,280.00
Snow, Barbara J LIBRARIAN Law Library $ 97,013.00 $ 97,013.00
Garavaglia, Barbara Helen LIBRARIAN Law Library $ 97,013.00 $ 97,013.00
Willett, Charles Perry LIBRARIAN Digital Library Production Svc $ 94,040.00 $ 94,040.00
Wallach, William K Library Associate Director Bentley Historical Library $ 88,650.00 $ 88,650.00
Valentine, Phyllis A LIBRARIAN Library Systems $ 85,642.00 $ 85,642.00
Dalton, Marylee LIBRARIAN Law Library $ 85,075.00 $ 85,075.00
Newman, Paul LIBRARIAN Library Administration $ 84,000.00 $ 84,000.00
Dede, Bonnie A LIBRARIAN Library Monographs - Catalog $ 83,093.00 $ 83,093.00
Daub, Peggy E LIBRARIAN Special Collections Library $ 82,763.00 $ 82,763.00
York, Grace A LIBRARIAN Graduate Library Documents $ 82,304.00 $ 82,304.00
Niki, Kenji LIBRARIAN Asia Library $ 81,528.00 $ 81,528.00
Allee, Nancy J LIBRARIAN Health Sciences Library $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00
Go, Fe Susan T LIBRARIAN Graduate Library Area Programs $ 77,952.00 $ 77,952.00
Baum, Freda L LIBRARIAN Law Library $ 76,314.00 $ 76,314.00
Rothman, Jonathan E LIBRARIAN Library Systems $ 75,941.00 $ 75,941.00
Redman, Patricia M LIBRARIAN Health Sciences Library $ 75,122.00 $ 56,341.50
Montori, Carla J LIBRARIAN Library Administration $ 75,023.00 $ 75,023.00
Reiman-Sendi, Karen A LIBRARIAN Graduate Library $ 72,409.00 $ 72,409.00
Yocum, Patricia Bury LIBRARIAN Science Libraries $ 71,769.00 $ 71,769.00
Page: 1 of 2

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