List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: leo lec 1379
Maximum Salary:$ 815,142.38
Average Salary:$ 56,038.44
Minimum Salary:$ 27,300.00

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 25 of 46
Name Title Department FTR GF
Taylor, Amanda LEO Lecturer III Flint Psychology $ 43,000.00 $ 43,000.00
Beals, Patricia Ferrer LEO Lecturer I Stamps School of Art and Design $ 42,867.04 $ 28,292.30
Steffka, Mark A LEO Lecturer II Dbn Col of Eng-Electric and Comp $ 42,581.33 $ 10,645.40
Yin, Haiqing LEO Lecturer II LSA Asian Languages and Cultures $ 42,522.25 $ 31,115.70
Kreps, Bethany A LEO Lecturer II LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 42,522.17 $ 42,522.20
Nguyen, Thuy Anh Thi LEO Lecturer II LSA Asian Languages and Cultures $ 42,522.16 $ 42,522.20
Murphy, Virginia E LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Residential College $ 42,522.02 $ 14,170.50
Carruthers, Andrea Stiasny LEO Lecturer II LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 42,521.92 $ 42,521.90
Ray, Janet Lynn LEO Lecturer II School of Social Work $ 42,520.00 $ 21,260.00
Miller, Mark E LEO Lecturer I Flint Education $ 42,512.40 $ 10,628.20
Talison, Josha LEO Lecturer I Flint Education $ 42,512.40 $ 10,628.20
Broughton, Nicole L LEO Lecturer III Flint English $ 42,512.40 $ 10,628.10
Broughton, Nicole L LEO Lecturer III Flint Theatre and Dance $ 42,512.40 $ 31,884.30
Gruber, Julie Ann LEO Lecturer II LSA Germanic Languages and Lit. $ 42,502.30 $ 42,502.30
Borton, Lisa LEO Lecturer III Flint Theatre and Dance $ 42,485.95 $ 42,486.00
Yoder-Nowak, Teresa Ann LEO Lecturer III Flint Biology $ 42,485.95 $ 42,486.00
Fu, Jing LEO Lecturer III Flint Foreign Language $ 42,485.94 $ 24,769.30
Bonfil, Patricia Silvia Peker De LEO Lecturer II LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 42,391.72 $ 42,391.80
Li-Stevenson, Jinyi LEO Lecturer II LSA Asian Languages and Cultures $ 42,391.67 $ 42,391.70
Perez, Nancy L LEO Lecturer II LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 42,391.67 $ 42,391.70
Zhao, Qiuli LEO Lecturer II LSA Asian Languages and Cultures $ 42,391.63 $ 33,245.70
Valacak, Mark J LEO Lecturer II Flint Dept Pub Hlth and Hlth Sci $ 42,346.77 $ 21,173.40
Reilly, Tarey LEO Lecturer II LSA English Language Institute $ 42,245.49 $ 21,122.90
Dalimonte, Anthony E LEO Lecturer II Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 42,152.00 $ 10,538.00
King, Susan B LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Curriculum Support $ 42,096.82 $ 14,018.20
Gillis, John P LEO Lecturer II Dbn Col of Eng-Indust and Sys En $ 42,069.96 $ 8,414.00
Kaufman, Herbert J LEO Lecturer II Dbn Col of Eng-Electric and Comp $ 42,044.30 $ 21,022.20
Schaefer, James LEO Lecturer I Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 41,978.98 $ 10,494.80
Hicks, Linda M LEO Lecturer I Flint Comp Science Eng and Ph $ 41,835.40 $ 24,431.90
Fockler, Thomas V LEO Lecturer II Flint Dept Pub Hlth and Hlth Sci $ 41,796.95 $ 10,449.30
Page: 25 of 46

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