List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: leo lec 1359
Maximum Salary:$ 365,326.09
Average Salary:$ 72,202.21
Minimum Salary:$ 43,000.00

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 46
Name Title Department FTR GF
Kingston, Amanda LEO Lecturer III MM Division of Anatomy $ 118,745.48 $ 118,745.48
Henry, Yazier LEO Lecturer IV G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 118,583.98 $ 118,583.98
DeOrio, Andrew Whitehouse LEO Lecturer IV EECS - CSE Division $ 118,546.92 $ 118,546.92
Ringenberg, Jeffrey Stuart LEO Lecturer IV EECS - CSE Division $ 118,440.54 $ 118,440.54
Darden, Marcus M LEO Lecturer IV EECS - CSE Division $ 118,372.50 $ 118,372.50
Madamanchi, Aasakiran LEO Lecturer III School of Information $ 118,000.00 $ 118,000.00
Van Lent, Colleen E LEO Lecturer IV School of Information $ 117,394.25 $ 88,045.69
Williams, Jefferson P LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 116,873.46 $ 111,999.84
Olson, Rodger James Macklin LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 116,771.76 $ 76,127.44
Cho, Edward LEO Lecturer IV LSA Economics $ 116,448.90 $ 116,448.90
Jonovich, Sarah Jayne LEO Lecturer IV LSA Psychology $ 116,315.34 $ 116,315.34
Caldwell Jr, Ronald C LEO Lecturer IV LSA Economics $ 116,190.75 $ 116,190.75
Stevenson, Adam R LEO Lecturer IV LSA Economics $ 116,190.75 $ 116,190.75
Dudley, Mitchell LEO Lecturer IV LSA Economics $ 116,190.75 $ 116,190.75
Beleh, Mustapha A LEO Lecturer IV PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 115,976.23 $ 115,976.23
Miller, Jackie Bryce LEO Lecturer IV LSA Statistics $ 115,031.33 $ 115,031.33
Larose, Peter G LEO Lecturer IV LSA Mathematics $ 112,924.81 $ 56,462.41
Cook, Jeffrey Arthur LEO Lecturer II COE EECS - ECE Division $ 112,706.09 $ 8,816.16
McNaughton, Brandon LEO Lecturer II CoE CFE Educational Programs $ 111,828.20 $ 32,802.96
Sanders, Stephanie Lynette LEO Lecturer IV G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 110,753.00 $ 55,376.50
Kamil, Amir LEO Lecturer IV EECS - CSE Division $ 110,583.38 $ 110,583.38
Miranda, Maria Mercedes LEO Lecturer IV Dbn Col of Bus-Acctg & Finance $ 110,172.02 $ 110,172.02
Bouma, Rolf T LEO Lecturer II Program in the Environment $ 110,127.18 $ 35,534.40
Wan, Dongni LEO Lecturer I Ross School of Business $ 110,109.45 $ 35,878.56
Alford, Laura Kay LEO Lecturer IV Naval Arch & Marine Dept $ 109,987.06 $ 109,987.06
Young, Amy Marie Wonnell LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 109,545.02 $ 42,613.01
Hanson, Kelly Ruth LEO Lecturer III CoE Technical Communications $ 109,407.50 $ 54,703.75
Chalmers, Melissa Kay LEO Lecturer III School of Information $ 109,000.00 $ 109,000.00
Bailey, Joanne Motino LEO Lecturer II LSA Women's and Gender Studies $ 108,648.98 $ 35,402.64
Nagaraj, Shyamala LEO Lecturer I LSA Statistics $ 108,615.33 $ 53,100.80
Page: 4 of 46

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