List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: leo lec 1359
Maximum Salary:$ 365,326.09
Average Salary:$ 72,202.21
Minimum Salary:$ 43,000.00

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 27 of 46
Name Title Department FTR GF
Buvinger, Elizabeth Christine LEO Lecturer II LSA Psychology $ 57,362.25 $ 57,362.25
Cassel, Catherine Serena LEO Lecturer II LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 57,362.25 $ 56,087.52
Danek, Kristen L LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: English Language Inst $ 57,362.25 $ 44,870.00
De Entrambasaguas-Monsell, Javier LEO Lecturer II LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 57,362.25 $ 57,362.25
Holden, Carol Elizabeth LEO Lecturer II LSA Psychology $ 57,362.25 $ 18,691.20
Ludwig, Kenneth LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Curriculum Support $ 57,362.25 $ 19,115.97
Mileski, Caitlin Danielle LEO Lecturer II LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 57,362.25 $ 56,087.52
Mwipopo, Marko LEO Lecturer II LSA DAAS $ 57,362.25 $ 57,362.25
Naylor, Michael Lee LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 57,362.25 $ 28,043.76
Obrecht, Michelle Laplace LEO Lecturer II School of Music Theatre & Dance $ 57,362.25 $ 7,010.96
Park, Youngho LEO Lecturer II School of Kinesiology $ 57,362.25 $ 56,087.52
Wetzel, Raymond T LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Residential College $ 57,362.25 $ 46,748.96
Fu, Jing LEO Lecturer IV Flint Foreign Language $ 57,356.76 $ 33,438.99
Borton, Lisa LEO Lecturer IV Flint Theatre and Dance $ 57,340.83 $ 28,670.42
Rulkowski, Mark Patrick LEO Lecturer I LSA Statistics $ 57,256.91 $ 55,984.56
White, Emily LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art & Design $ 57,175.95 $ 57,175.95
Warner, Betsy LEO Lecturer II SOE- Teacher Education $ 57,119.41 $ 13,962.56
Beiza, Marlene Paola LEO Lecturer II LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 57,084.72 $ 57,084.72
Beuerlein, Eric LEO Lecturer II LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 57,084.72 $ 38,061.24
Coleman, Katherine Scott LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: English Language Inst $ 57,084.72 $ 55,816.16
Cuppetelli, Annica Leah LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art & Design $ 57,084.72 $ 55,816.16
Dhar, Debotri LEO Lecturer II LSA Women's and Gender Studies $ 57,084.72 $ 55,816.16
Farokhrani, Youness LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 57,084.72 $ 55,816.16
Grzeskowiak, Silvia LEO Lecturer II LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 57,084.72 $ 57,084.72
Harrell, Julie LEO Lecturer II LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 57,084.72 $ 57,084.72
Hessenthaler, Anthony George LEO Lecturer II LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 57,084.72 $ 57,084.72
Horvath, Paul M LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 57,084.72 $ 55,816.16
Hottmann, Xiaodong LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Residential College $ 57,084.72 $ 18,600.72
Messer, Sarah LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Residential College $ 57,084.72 $ 57,084.72
Nunez Marquez, Sandra Diana LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Residential College $ 57,084.72 $ 57,084.72
Page: 27 of 46

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