List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: leo lec 1359
Maximum Salary:$ 365,326.09
Average Salary:$ 72,202.21
Minimum Salary:$ 43,000.00

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 46
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hojjat, Seyed Ali LEO Lecturer I Ross School of Business $ 190,000.00 $ 185,777.76
Lenard, Chantel Ebbers LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 185,779.25 $ 110,956.66
Pandiarajan, Vijay LEO Lecturer I Ross School of Business $ 184,091.16 $ 127,485.20
Middleton, Leonard M LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 181,904.38 $ 181,904.38
Mughal, Tariq LEO Lecturer I Ross School of Business $ 181,356.74 $ 147,757.36
Svaan, John Eric LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 180,795.62 $ 178,264.48
Ringle, Eric E LEO Lecturer I Ross School of Business $ 173,825.00 $ 42,490.56
Shwayder, Ariel LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 172,652.45 $ 172,652.45
Alsup, Barbara Kathleen LEO Lecturer IV MM Division of Anatomy $ 172,164.06 $ 142,035.35
Marsik, Frank Joseph LEO Lecturer IV Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 167,944.00 $ 58,780.40
Fox, Glenn LEO Lecturer IV MM Division of Anatomy $ 165,542.36 $ 136,572.45
Price, James D LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 165,311.59 $ 93,566.36
Kim, Ha Young LEO Lecturer I School of Music Theatre & Dance $ 162,000.00 $ 7,920.00
Rogala, Lori LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 161,476.96 $ 148,025.93
Brzezinski, David William LEO Lecturer IV MM Division of Anatomy $ 159,816.75 $ 152,625.00
Sullivan, Kelli A LEO Lecturer IV MM Division of Anatomy $ 157,976.25 $ 157,976.25
Chesney, David R LEO Lecturer IV EECS - CSE Division $ 157,172.79 $ 157,172.79
Menon, Rashmi A LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 155,481.87 $ 65,447.52
Johnson, Michael LEO Lecturer III Ross School of Business $ 154,042.25 $ 121,423.80
Brehob, Mark W B LEO Lecturer IV EECS - CSE Division $ 152,912.78 $ 152,912.78
Pollick, Marissa W LEO Lecturer II School of Kinesiology $ 150,449.81 $ 147,106.48
Adams, James Phillip LEO Lecturer II Law School $ 149,308.74 $ 145,990.80
Hinesly, Mary D LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 148,717.60 $ 148,717.60
Drogos, Kristin Lynn LEO Lecturer I LSA Communication and Media $ 147,444.62 $ 48,044.00
Feldman, Tammy R LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 145,553.31 $ 72,776.66
De Roo, Roger Dean LEO Lecturer IV Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 144,417.72 $ 76,541.39
Desimpelare, James Mark LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 144,156.68 $ 114,136.05
Carter, E Follett LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 140,648.97 $ 140,648.97
Cook, Jeffrey Arthur LEO Lecturer II Naval Arch & Marine Dept $ 140,448.96 $ 54,931.12
Hargrove, Gerry Lyndon LEO Lecturer I Ross School of Business $ 140,335.57 $ 91,489.44
Page: 2 of 46

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