List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: leo lec 1201
Maximum Salary:$ 199,466.67
Average Salary:$ 41,393.02
Minimum Salary:$ 12,064.00

2005-06 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 41
Name Title Department FTR GF
Niehoff, Leonard Marvin LEO Lecturer II Law School $ 199,466.67 $ 0.00
Meyers, Gerald C LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 173,333.33 $ 130,000.00
Monoky, John F LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 167,561.00 $ 0.00
Culver, Robert Norwood LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 151,740.00 $ 0.00
Culver, Robert Norwood LEO Lecturer II CoE Administration $ 151,740.00 $ 37,935.00
Lawlor, Andrew F LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 150,000.00 $ 123,000.00
Lamb, Thomas LEO Lecturer IV Naval Arch - Marine Dept $ 142,324.00 $ 77,340.96
Moscow, Cyril LEO Lecturer II Law School $ 130,560.00 $ 32,640.00
Gillespie, Thomas D LEO Lecturer II Mechanical Engineering $ 130,338.00 $ 52,135.20
Beatty, Richard W LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 129,983.00 $ 0.00
Nagarajan, Anuradha LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 127,750.00 $ 127,750.00
Sendelbach, Neil B LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 127,061.00 $ 0.00
Geister, Donald E LEO Lecturer IV Aerospace Engineering $ 122,253.33 $ 73,352.00
Adair, Troy A LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 121,500.00 $ 121,500.00
Bailey, Joanne Motino LEO Lecturer I LSA Women-s Studies $ 120,000.00 $ 24,000.00
Larsen, Joan L LEO Lecturer I Law School $ 114,240.00 $ 57,120.00
Middleton, Leonard M LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 109,200.00 $ 109,200.00
Klemstine, Charles F LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 105,600.00 $ 105,600.00
Moscovici, Claudia LEO Lecturer I LSA UG: Residential College $ 100,000.00 $ 20,000.00
Caproni, Paula J LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 98,000.00 $ 98,000.00
Clyde, Paul S LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 94,160.00 $ 94,160.00
Walls, Joseph G LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 94,050.00 $ 94,050.00
Ling, Richard Seyler LEO Lecturer I LSA Communication Studies $ 92,134.00 $ 0.00
Shand, David Alistai LEO Lecturer I Division of Kinesiology $ 92,004.00 $ 23,001.00
Rankin, Stuart C LEO Lecturer III School of Education $ 91,935.00 $ 64,354.96
Dorf, Mary Lou LEO Lecturer IV Elec Engr - Comp Sci $ 91,788.00 $ 91,788.00
Lynch-Sauer, Judith M LEO Lecturer IV School of Nursing $ 90,285.90 $ 27,085.77
Schoem, David LEO Lecturer II LSA Sociology $ 90,122.10 $ 45,061.05
Maccini, Sharon Lynn LEO Lecturer III G. Ford Sch of Public Policy $ 90,000.00 $ 45,000.00
Majeske, Karl Duane LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 89,833.33 $ 53,900.00
Page: 1 of 41

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