List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: leo lec 1186
Maximum Salary:$ 696,000.00
Average Salary:$ 45,988.12
Minimum Salary:$ 18,181.00

2007-08 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 40
Name Title Department FTR GF
Stein, Tamara A LEO Lecturer IV Medical School Administration $ 72,315.51 $ 37,365.78
Wismont, Judith M LEO Lecturer IV School of Nursing $ 72,200.00 $ 72,200.00
Brzezinski, David William LEO Lecturer III Medical School Administration $ 72,104.08 $ 36,052.04
Brzezinski, David William LEO Lecturer III Oral Pathology-Dentistry $ 72,104.08 $ 36,052.04
Stribley, John M LEO Lecturer III Medical School Administration $ 71,921.65 $ 61,133.40
Zorn, Frances B LEO Lecturer II LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 71,536.02 $ 18,241.68
Vergon, Charles B LEO Lecturer II Flint Political Science $ 71,193.60 $ 35,596.80
Wynarsky, George T LEO Lecturer IV CoE Undergraduate Education $ 71,096.04 $ 46,212.43
Jeyabalan, Santhadevi LEO Lecturer IV LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 70,367.72 $ 70,367.72
Ranchhod, Vimal LEO Lecturer I G. Ford Sch of Public Policy $ 70,000.00 $ 35,000.00
Scott III, Julius S LEO Lecturer IV LSA CAAS $ 69,854.16 $ 34,927.08
Scott III, Julius S LEO Lecturer IV LSA History $ 69,854.16 $ 34,927.08
Price, James D LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 69,787.00 $ 69,787.00
Sedo, Stanley Anthony LEO Lecturer IV LSA Economics $ 69,746.88 $ 69,746.88
Ludwig, Kenneth LEO Lecturer II Industrial Operations $ 69,594.40 $ 20,878.32
Hayden, Marion T LEO Lecturer II School of Music $ 69,565.30 $ 8,695.66
Wynarsky, George T LEO Lecturer II Materials Science - Engin. $ 69,484.54 $ 24,319.59
Velkey, John Matthew LEO Lecturer III Cell and Developmental Biology $ 69,200.00 $ 69,200.00
Diller, Jeanine M LEO Lecturer I LSA Philosophy $ 69,000.00 $ 23,000.00
Kotzian, Nancy A LEO Lecturer IV Ross School of Business $ 68,640.00 $ 68,640.00
Wolfe, Janet C LEO Lecturer IV LSA Economics $ 68,522.46 $ 23,126.33
Berman, Sandra S LEO Lecturer II SOE-Educational Studies $ 68,383.00 $ 17,095.75
Erlandson, Christine LEO Lecturer II SOE-Educational Studies $ 68,321.00 $ 17,080.25
Nicola, Patricia LEO Lecturer II SOE-Educational Studies $ 68,321.00 $ 20,496.30
Lasker, Carole LEO Lecturer II SOE-Educational Studies $ 68,321.00 $ 20,496.30
Hildebrandt, Sabine LEO Lecturer IV Medical School Administration $ 67,977.24 $ 33,988.62
Kerner, Nancy Konigsberg LEO Lecturer IV LSA Chemistry $ 67,657.76 $ 67,657.76
Eagle, Megan J LEO Lecturer II School of Nursing $ 67,565.39 $ 6,756.54
Rayher, Robert W LEO Lecturer IV LSA Screen Arts - Cultures $ 67,541.11 $ 67,541.11
O'Grady, Michelle H LEO Lecturer III School of Nursing $ 67,452.42 $ 21,922.04
Page: 4 of 40

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