List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: leo lec 1332
Maximum Salary:$ 805,092.24
Average Salary:$ 49,444.19
Minimum Salary:$ 17,383.00

2010-11 University of Michigan SalariesPage 40 of 45
Name Title Department FTR GF
Yoder-Nowak, Teresa Ann LEO Lecturer I Flint Biology $ 27,583.42 $ 27,583.44
Clark, Jay Thomas LEO Lecturer I Flint English $ 27,583.40 $ 27,583.44
Fields, Kathleen N LEO Lecturer I Flint Mpa Program $ 27,583.40 $ 13,791.68
Givhan, Anthony E LEO Lecturer I Flint Philosophy $ 27,583.40 $ 20,687.52
Hassell, Tristin LEO Lecturer I Flint Philosophy $ 27,583.40 $ 27,583.44
Hine, Lisa Anne LEO Lecturer I Flint English $ 27,583.40 $ 13,791.68
Hosterman, Jerry J LEO Lecturer I Flint Psychology $ 27,583.40 $ 20,687.52
Juliao, Tracy Renea LEO Lecturer I Flint Psychology $ 27,583.40 $ 20,687.52
Oosterhoff, Catherine A LEO Lecturer I Flint Education $ 27,583.40 $ 27,583.44
Schultes, Karen Rapp LEO Lecturer I Flint Economics $ 27,583.40 $ 27,583.44
Schuster, James Campbell LEO Lecturer I Flint Music $ 27,583.40 $ 2,206.64
Tidwell, Henry Clay LEO Lecturer I Flint Social Work $ 27,583.40 $ 13,791.68
Warren, Ronald LEO Lecturer I Flint Philosophy $ 27,583.40 $ 20,687.52
Herzog, Douglas P LEO Lecturer I Flint Dept. of Chem/Biochem $ 27,583.38 $ 27,583.36
Vanitvelt, James F LEO Lecturer I Flint Education $ 27,569.20 $ 8,033.20
Warda, William B LEO Lecturer I Flint Philosophy $ 27,398.00 $ 27,398.00
Mikulski, James LEO Lecturer I Flint Mpa Program $ 27,274.48 $ 27,274.48
Rea, Stephen R LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 27,187.76 $ 14,728.96
Beydoun, Ghada LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Math - Statistics $ 27,183.16 $ 27,183.12
Jirkans, Elaine LEO Lecturer I Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 27,183.04 $ 27,183.04
Kantor, Jonathan Patrick LEO Lecturer I Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 27,183.04 $ 18,124.32
Enajero, Samuel E LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Social Sciences $ 27,183.00 $ 6,795.76
Ghazizadeh, Saeid LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 27,183.00 $ 20,387.28
Laakso, Aarre LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Psychology $ 27,183.00 $ 20,387.28
Lambert, Julie Marie LEO Lecturer I Dbn-LiteraturePhilosophy-Arts $ 27,183.00 $ 12,911.92
Michalik, Kenneth G LEO Lecturer I Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 27,183.00 $ 6,795.76
Mifsud, Rachel Helyn LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 27,183.00 $ 27,183.04
Potvin, Philip LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL Writing - Prgm Ctr $ 27,183.00 $ 20,387.28
Ryder, Jessica LEO Lecturer I Dbn-LiteraturePhilosophy-Arts $ 27,183.00 $ 13,591.52
Schroat, David A LEO Lecturer I Dbn CASL-Psychology $ 27,183.00 $ 0.00
Page: 40 of 45

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