List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: leo lec 1492
Maximum Salary:$ 387,572.17
Average Salary:$ 77,008.13
Minimum Salary:$ 50,000.00

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 38 of 50
Name Title Department FTR GF
Stafford, Leigh-Anne LEO Lecturer II Flint Dept Pub Hlth & Hlth Sci $ 55,485.00 $ 13,293.28
Perkins, Suzanne LEO Lecturer I LSA Psychology $ 55,457.58 $ 53,146.88
Edwards-Brown, Linda LEO Lecturer I School of Social Work $ 55,344.00 $ 13,259.52
Hoffman, Gregory LEO Lecturer I School of Social Work $ 55,344.00 $ 48,635.84
Kynn, Jamie LEO Lecturer I School of Social Work $ 55,344.00 $ 13,259.52
LaLonde, Jamie Lee LEO Lecturer I School of Social Work $ 55,344.00 $ 4,428.64
Luttrell, Phillip Thomas LEO Lecturer I School of Social Work $ 55,344.00 $ 4,428.64
Masudi, Aliyah K LEO Lecturer I School of Social Work $ 55,344.00 $ 26,519.04
Moe, Benjamin Ryan LEO Lecturer I School of Social Work $ 55,344.00 $ 17,674.88
Helms Kotre, Grace LEO Lecturer I School of Social Work $ 55,336.00 $ 26,515.20
Mannino, Rose LEO Lecturer I School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 55,323.05 $ 31,810.76
Clegg, Sally Anne Mackenzie LEO Lecturer I Stamps School of Art & Design $ 55,323.04 $ 35,522.00
Andrews, Michael Charles LEO Lecturer I Stamps School of Art & Design $ 55,322.98 $ 53,017.86
Bertolis, Bess LEO Lecturer I School of Nursing $ 55,322.98 $ 53,017.86
Clarke, John Howard LEO Lecturer I Stamps School of Art & Design $ 55,322.98 $ 17,495.92
Guidarelli, Kaitlin LEO Lecturer I LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 55,322.98 $ 53,017.84
Halpern, Jill Ellen LEO Lecturer I LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 55,322.98 $ 53,017.84
Harms, Joseph LEO Lecturer I LSA English Language & Lit. $ 55,322.98 $ 53,017.86
McCarty, Ryan LEO Lecturer I LSA English Language & Lit. $ 55,322.98 $ 53,017.86
McKenna, Erin Alexandra LEO Lecturer I Stamps School of Art & Design $ 55,322.98 $ 53,017.86
ODonnell, Tina Gikas LEO Lecturer I LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 55,322.98 $ 53,017.84
Okkema, Laura LEO Lecturer I LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 55,322.98 $ 53,017.84
Williams, Deidra Diane LEO Lecturer I School of Nursing $ 55,322.98 $ 26,508.93
Mooney, Michael J LEO Lecturer I School of Nursing $ 55,322.97 $ 19,881.68
Beydoun, Noha F LEO Lecturer I LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 55,322.96 $ 53,017.84
Cribari-Assali, Carla LEO Lecturer I LSA UG: Residential College $ 55,322.96 $ 35,349.68
Crider, Sara LEO Lecturer I LSA UG: Curriculum Support $ 55,322.96 $ 29,451.41
Kim, Jiyoung LEO Lecturer I LSA Asian Languages & Cultures $ 55,322.96 $ 53,017.84
Schumann, Garrett Sanders LEO Lecturer I LSA UG: Curriculum Support $ 55,322.96 $ 47,119.60
Donelson, Jerrice LEO Lecturer III Dbn CASL-Language Culture Arts $ 55,322.96 $ 55,322.96
Page: 38 of 50

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