List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: leo lec 1492
Maximum Salary:$ 387,572.17
Average Salary:$ 77,008.13
Minimum Salary:$ 50,000.00

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 37 of 50
Name Title Department FTR GF
Zeiss, Rebecca S LEO Lecturer IV Flint Art & Art History $ 56,940.29 $ 56,940.29
Clapper, Laura Lee LEO Lecturer III LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 56,787.50 $ 56,787.50
Nezami Nav, Sara LEO Lecturer III LSA UG: English Language Inst $ 56,787.50 $ 56,787.50
Murray, Nathaniel LEO Lecturer I CoE Technical Communication $ 56,733.00 $ 54,369.12
Nelson, Jack E LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 56,660.47 $ 38,457.68
McCombs, Laverne A LEO Lecturer II Flint Social Work $ 56,519.97 $ 40,623.73
Farhat, Ahmad H LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 56,190.81 $ 10,096.79
Musial III, Joseph Leonard LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Psychology $ 56,190.79 $ 35,904.16
Long, Brian Joseph LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Language Culture Arts $ 56,190.76 $ 53,849.47
Smith, Amanda Lynn LEO Lecturer III Flint Psychology $ 56,147.80 $ 56,147.80
Davis, Timothy Allan LEO Lecturer II Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 56,096.70 $ 8,950.96
Jurkiewicz, Annette Marie LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Criminal Justice $ 56,096.69 $ 26,879.68
Minard, Imana LEO Lecturer I Flint Nursing $ 56,037.98 $ 11,814.67
Bhamra, Suraj Singh LEO Lecturer II Dbn Col of Eng-Electric & Comp $ 56,037.98 $ 13,425.76
Cargile, China Lee LEO Lecturer II Dbn CEHHS Health & Human Serv $ 56,037.98 $ 46,693.64
Gavell, Susan Theresa LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Language Culture Arts $ 56,037.98 $ 53,703.06
Gromak, James A LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Language Culture Arts $ 56,037.98 $ 56,037.98
Helms Kotre, Grace LEO Lecturer II Dbn CEHHS Health & Human Serv $ 56,037.98 $ 28,018.99
Kondasinghe, Thilini Dashyanthi LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Physical Sciences $ 56,037.98 $ 49,033.23
May, Dianne F LEO Lecturer II Dbn CEHHS Health & Human Serv $ 56,037.98 $ 26,851.53
Smith, Sara LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Language Culture Arts $ 56,037.98 $ 56,037.98
AbdulNour, Bashar S LEO Lecturer II Flint Engineering $ 56,037.98 $ 53,703.06
Adkins, Dean Phillip LEO Lecturer II Flint MA-Art Administration $ 56,037.98 $ 13,425.76
Cook, Michele LEO Lecturer II Flint Education $ 56,037.98 $ 14,009.49
Copeland, Tammara Lee LEO Lecturer II Flint Nursing $ 56,037.98 $ 53,703.06
O'Connell, Daniel Patrick LEO Lecturer II Flint Foreign Language $ 56,037.98 $ 17,883.12
Tinholt, Winona LEO Lecturer II Flint Education $ 56,037.98 $ 14,009.49
Stallings, LaRhonda LEO Lecturer II Flint Dept Pub Hlth & Hlth Sci $ 56,020.68 $ 13,421.62
Johnson, Linda Maria LEO Lecturer II Flint Art & Art History $ 55,731.63 $ 13,352.37
Derbin, Edward Timothy LEO Lecturer II Flint Economics $ 55,584.90 $ 13,896.23
Page: 37 of 50

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