List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: leo lec 1492
Maximum Salary:$ 387,572.17
Average Salary:$ 77,008.13
Minimum Salary:$ 50,000.00

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 19 of 50
Name Title Department FTR GF
Snyder Marr, Katie Lizbeth LEO Lecturer III CoE Technical Communication $ 74,262.56 $ 74,262.56
Springsteen, Karen Lynn LEO Lecturer III CoE Technical Communication $ 74,262.56 $ 55,696.92
Lewis, Kim S LEO Lecturer III CoE Technical Communication $ 74,262.56 $ 74,262.56
Montgomery, Joseph A LEO Lecturer III CoE Technical Communication $ 74,262.56 $ 74,262.56
Babcock, Julie A LEO Lecturer II LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 74,021.52 $ 74,021.52
Swanson, Fritz Garner LEO Lecturer II LSA English Language & Lit. $ 73,991.80 $ 73,991.80
Ayoola, Gabriel Olujide LEO Lecturer I LSA DAAS $ 73,921.28 $ 70,841.20
Hartshorn, Patricia A LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Physical Sciences $ 73,901.76 $ 73,901.76
Agustini, Fnu LEO Lecturer IV LSA Asian Languages & Cultures $ 73,628.02 $ 73,628.02
Savit, Eli Noam LEO Lecturer II Law School $ 73,524.37 $ 7,046.08
Hendrickson, Ryan LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 73,406.97 $ 73,406.97
Irmak, Elmas LEO Lecturer II LSA Mathematics $ 73,369.28 $ 73,369.28
Petrotta, Mark D LEO Lecturer I CoE Integrative Sys & Design $ 73,307.50 $ 7,025.28
Hanna, Loubna LEO Lecturer I LSA Political Science: MIW $ 73,306.34 $ 23,411.45
Sessolo, Simone LEO Lecturer IV LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 73,233.02 $ 24,166.90
Carpenter, Lynn L LEO Lecturer IV LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 73,172.99 $ 24,147.09
Carpenter, Lynn L LEO Lecturer IV LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 73,172.98 $ 49,025.89
Toebosch, Annemarie LEO Lecturer IV LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 73,145.22 $ 73,145.22
Ricotta, Charles James LEO Lecturer IV School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 73,055.72 $ 0.00
Sullivan, Lorrel L LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 73,004.61 $ 73,004.61
McMillan, Liana LEO Lecturer IV Dbn CASL-Language Culture Arts $ 72,973.35 $ 72,973.35
Rodriguez Mojica, Amaryllis LEO Lecturer IV LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 72,806.00 $ 72,806.00
Chaney, Andrea LEO Lecturer III LSA Physics $ 72,679.18 $ 72,679.18
Larson, Scott LEO Lecturer IV LSA American Culture $ 72,665.36 $ 72,665.36
Brydon, Daphne LEO Lecturer II School of Social Work $ 72,656.00 $ 34,814.32
Hetzel, Tina Alexandra LEO Lecturer II LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 72,592.11 $ 72,592.11
Swanson, Christopher R LEO Lecturer II Flint Dept Pub Hlth & Hlth Sci $ 72,359.85 $ 17,336.21
Greene, Jill LEO Lecturer II Stamps School of Art & Design $ 72,359.51 $ 72,359.51
Gell, Mary M LEO Lecturer II LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 72,301.01 $ 72,301.01
Clayton, Colette Marie Icasiano LEO Lecturer I Flint Physician Asst Program $ 72,275.00 $ 7,099.51
Page: 19 of 50

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