List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: leo lec 1582
Maximum Salary:$ 418,577.94
Average Salary:$ 81,974.69
Minimum Salary:$ 50,988.71

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 9 of 53
Name Title Department FTR GF
Sulewski, Robert Michael LEO Lecturer IV CoE Technical Communication $ 104,997.60 $ 104,997.60
Fishstrom, Jack Aaron LEO Lecturer IV CoE Technical Communication $ 104,997.47 $ 104,997.47
Mi, Tian LEO Lecturer III Mechanical Engineering $ 104,760.00 $ 104,760.00
McGinn, Terence James LEO Lecturer II LSA Sociology $ 104,664.52 $ 104,664.52
Basu, Avik Swapnasish LEO Lecturer IV Sch for Environ and Sustain $ 104,336.29 $ 104,336.29
Vantine, Aimee M LEO Lecturer III School of Social Work $ 104,269.00 $ 104,269.00
Eckhause, Tobias A LEO Lecturer II LSA Physics $ 104,086.36 $ 98,490.32
Fanucchi, Victor T LEO Lecturer IV LSA FilmTelevisionand Media $ 104,035.30 $ 104,035.30
Hilliker, Laurel LEO Lecturer IV Flint Dept Pub Hlth & Hlth Sci $ 103,809.46 $ 77,857.10
Winn, David Jerome LEO Lecturer II LSA Physics $ 103,791.74 $ 103,791.74
Doraiswamy, Naren LEO Lecturer I School of Information $ 103,680.00 $ 53,958.16
Fang, Natalie Lee LEO Lecturer I School of Information $ 103,680.00 $ 98,105.84
Knobel, Cory Philip LEO Lecturer I School of Information $ 103,680.00 $ 24,526.48
Sundaram, Kartikeya Thiyam LEO Lecturer I School of Information $ 103,680.00 $ 98,105.84
Romero, Alicia LEO Lecturer III LSA Statistics $ 103,680.00 $ 103,680.00
Poniatowski, Alexander James LEO Lecturer IV LSA Chemistry $ 103,510.92 $ 103,510.92
Whitaker, Elizabeth LEO Lecturer III LSA Quant Methods & SocSci Pgm $ 103,118.88 $ 103,118.88
Tomasch, Andrew D LEO Lecturer II LSA Physics $ 103,010.84 $ 103,010.84
Graetz, Emily Robin LEO Lecturer II EECS - CSE Division $ 102,981.37 $ 97,444.72
Klungle, Roger G LEO Lecturer IV Dbn Col of Eng-Indust & Sys En $ 102,822.78 $ 102,822.78
Steinhoff, Kristoffer LEO Lecturer II School of Information $ 102,792.22 $ 19,453.12
Sheltrown, Nicholas Joel LEO Lecturer II School of Information $ 102,792.22 $ 38,906.32
Keyes, Patrick LEO Lecturer IV Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 102,629.96 $ 102,629.96
Nazari, Ali LEO Lecturer II LSA Mathematics $ 102,482.34 $ 48,486.24
Alt, Jeffrey C LEO Lecturer II LSA Earth & Environmental Sci. $ 102,349.13 $ 72,634.88
Gilpin, Dawn M LEO Lecturer IV Architecture $ 102,334.76 $ 102,334.76
Thum, Maureen D LEO Lecturer IV Flint English $ 102,226.39 $ 102,226.39
Makman, Lisa Hermine LEO Lecturer IV LSA English Language & Lit. $ 102,209.71 $ 102,209.71
Serrano Vergel, Ramiro LEO Lecturer III School of Information $ 102,060.00 $ 102,060.00
Statt, Anne-Louise LEO Lecturer IV Dbn Col of Bus-Info & Op Mgmt $ 102,021.37 $ 102,021.37
Page: 9 of 53

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