List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: instructional learning 118
Maximum Salary:$ 144,320.52
Average Salary:$ 64,643.59
Minimum Salary:$ 39,999.96

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Larose, Peter G Instructional Learning Inter LSA Mathematics $ 144,320.52 $ 72,160.50
Pettigrew, Robert W Instructional Learning Senior Library Learn&Teach-Connected $ 108,948.73 $ 108,948.73
Newhouse, William Instructional Learning Senior School of Nursing $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00
Meechan, Philomena A Instructional Learning Lead LSA UG: Language Resource Ctr. $ 89,325.72 $ 89,326.00
O'Brien, Timothy Instructional Learning Senior Center for Academic Innovation $ 88,426.07 $ 88,426.07
Bennett, Jeffrey Instructional Learning Lead Center for Academic Innovation $ 86,700.00 $ 86,700.00
Straub, Evan Instructional Learning Senior Center for Academic Innovation $ 86,700.00 $ 0.00
Manspeaker, William C Instructional Learning Lead Taubman College Administration $ 86,089.00 $ 77,480.10
Ravenwood, Emily Instructional Learning Lead LSA Dean: TS Academic TechSvcs $ 85,078.00 $ 85,078.00
Vigilant, Cassandra Instructional Learning Senior School of Nursing $ 84,460.00 $ 84,460.00
Currington, Scott Instructional Learning Senior CoE-IT/CAEN $ 82,680.00 $ 82,680.00
Arashiro, Peter Instructional Learning Senior Center for Academic Innovation $ 81,223.88 $ 81,223.88
Hamm, Scott Instructional Learning Senior College of Pharmacy $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00
Young, Alan S Instructional Learning Senior LSA Film Television and Media $ 79,042.20 $ 79,042.00
Marocco, Angela Instructional Learning Senior ITS Teaching and Learning $ 77,520.00 $ 77,520.00
Yu, Ji Hyun Instructional Learning Senior School of Social Work $ 77,445.70 $ 77,445.70
Dawes, Christopher Instructional Learning Senior School of Nursing $ 77,250.00 $ 77,250.00
Chandler, Chelsea Instructional Learning Senior Center for Academic Innovation $ 76,507.65 $ 76,507.65
Fomin, Elizabeth J Instructional Learning Senior LSA Dean: TS Academic TechSvcs $ 75,623.63 $ 75,624.00
Oskui, Nargas Instructional Learning Senior ITS Teaching and Learning $ 75,480.00 $ 75,480.00
Casey, Christopher Instructional Learning Lead Dbn Office of the Provost $ 73,462.44 $ 73,462.44
Waisanen, Edward Instructional Learning Senior Sch for Environ and Sustain $ 73,000.00 $ 0.00
Morse, Benjamin August Blair Instructional Learning Senior Center for Academic Innovation $ 72,786.18 $ 0.00
Streetman, Ronald Instructional Learning Lead Flint Nursing $ 72,167.45 $ 72,167.45
Coy, Caroline Instructional Learning Senior LSA Dean: TS Academic TechSvcs $ 72,100.00 $ 72,100.00
Wing, Lyndsay Instructional Learning Inter Center for Academic Innovation $ 71,791.43 $ 71,791.43
Beals, Johnathon Instructional Learning Senior LSA UG: Language Resource Ctr. $ 71,393.42 $ 71,393.00
Chang, Tina Instructional Learning Senior School of Nursing $ 70,231.58 $ 70,231.58
Schmitt, Eleanor Instructional Learning Senior Center for Academic Innovation $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00
Franetovic, Marija Instructional Learning Senior SPHDO-Informatics & Computing $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00
Page: 1 of 4

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