List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: instructional learning 54
Maximum Salary:$ 86,795.00
Average Salary:$ 51,009.44
Minimum Salary:$ 27,190.02

2005-06 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
McIntyre, Robert James Instructional Learning Inter Digital Media Commons $ 48,000.00 $ 48,000.00
Meechan, Philomena A Instructional Learning Lead LSA UG: Language Resource Ctr. $ 47,985.00 $ 47,985.00
Levenick, Ann L Instructional Learning Inter LSA UG: Language Resource Ctr. $ 47,844.94 $ 47,844.94
Heskett, Kenneth Alvin Instructional Learning Inter ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 47,040.72 $ 47,040.72
Jones II, Robert Douglas Instructional Learning Inter ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 46,916.59 $ 46,916.59
Blackwell, Theresa Instructional Learning Senior Office of Extended Learning $ 46,350.00 $ 46,350.00
Divecha, Ruthvick Hemant Instructional Learning Inter Sch of Public Hlth-Dean-s Ofc $ 46,349.94 $ 46,349.94
Binetti, Barbara Instructional Learning Inter ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 45,000.82 $ 45,000.82
Demilner, Robert P Instructional Learning Senior LSA UG: Language Resource Ctr. $ 44,650.06 $ 44,650.06
Switala, Ellen L Instructional Learning Inter ROSS SCH Computing Services $ 44,600.00 $ 44,600.00
Becker, Andrea Instructional Learning Senior Office of Extended Learning $ 44,000.00 $ 22,000.00
Benedict, Mark A Instructional Learning Inter ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 42,553.03 $ 0.00
Rowden, Deborah K Instructional Learning Inter Flint ITS $ 42,151.72 $ 42,151.72
Bentley, Courtney Browning Instructional Learning Senior Office of Extended Learning $ 41,280.00 $ 41,280.00
Alexander, Bernie L Instructional Learning Inter ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 39,650.59 $ 0.00
Williams, Dorothea Instructional Learning Inter Dbn CASL-Foreign Languages $ 39,174.00 $ 39,174.00
Roberts, Brandon L Instructional Learning Inter Center for Professional Devel. $ 38,339.08 $ 19,169.54
Karasik, Inessa Instructional Learning Inter Dbn CASL-Math - Statistics $ 37,239.00 $ 37,239.00
Undy, Matthew David Instructional Learning Inter Medical School Administration $ 37,131.64 $ 18,565.82
Tarrant, Nydia M Instructional Learning Inter Dbn School of Education $ 36,720.00 $ 36,720.00
West, Jonathan Leigh Instructional Learning Inter Center for Professional Devel. $ 35,677.98 $ 17,838.99
Hess, Robert R Instructional Learning Inter LSA Film - Video $ 32,000.00 $ 32,000.00
Engling, Jason Mark Instructional Learning Inter Medical School Administration $ 30,900.00 $ 30,900.00
Cameron, Phillip John Instructional Learning Inter LSA UG: Language Resource Ctr. $ 27,190.02 $ 27,190.02
Page: 2 of 2

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