2011-12 University of Michigan Salaries | Page 11 of 20 |
Name |
Title |
Department |
GF |
Engling, Jason Mark |
Instructional Learning Inter |
LRC - Multimedia Development |
$ 46,577.71 |
$ 46,577.71 |
Harrison, Sarah C |
Info Resources Technical Spec |
ICPSR-Archival Development |
$ 46,570.18 |
$ 0.00 |
Therrian, Eric Mikel |
Interventional Radiology Techn |
UMH Radiology UH |
$ 46,504.19 |
$ 0.00 |
Goraj, Joseph David |
Instructional Learning Inter |
Dbn Col of Eng-ProfessionalDev |
$ 46,491.00 |
$ 46,491.00 |
Fuller, Merrie Leigh |
Info Resources Sr Supr |
Library Collect - CAS - ILL |
$ 46,410.00 |
$ 46,410.00 |
Rutkowski, Patricia A |
Info Resources Assistant Sr |
Dbn Mardigian Library |
$ 46,402.82 |
$ 46,402.72 |
Mahony, Mary Catherine |
Infor Resources Reference Spec |
LSA Philosophy |
$ 45,986.00 |
$ 0.00 |
Ferguson, Cheryl |
Inventory Control Clerk Senior |
UMH Operating Rooms - CVC |
$ 45,864.00 |
$ 0.00 |
Karasik, Inessa |
Instructional Learning Inter |
Dbn CASL-Math - Statistics |
$ 45,740.00 |
$ 45,740.00 |
Kopera, Stephen A |
Instructional Designer Assist |
ITS AIS Resource Pools |
$ 45,562.00 |
$ 45,561.88 |
Petrinko, Shelly M |
Info Resources Assistant Inter |
ICPSR-Archival Development |
$ 45,334.12 |
$ 0.00 |
Tsuchiyama, Scott Michael |
Infor Resources Specialist Sr |
Career Center |
$ 45,262.50 |
$ 36,210.00 |
Jablonski, Frederic |
Info Resources Assoc Supr |
ROSS SCH Kresge Library |
$ 45,146.59 |
$ 45,146.66 |
Neuenschwander, John C |
Info Resources Assistant Inter |
Library Collect - Preservation |
$ 45,145.10 |
$ 45,145.10 |
Blacker, David R |
Inventory Control Clerk Senior |
Dbn Physical Plant - Admin |
$ 45,081.10 |
$ 45,081.14 |
West, Jonathan Leigh |
Instructional Learning Inter |
CoE Ctr for Professional Devel |
$ 45,064.00 |
$ 45,064.00 |
Cornish, Lisa Lynn |
Inventory Control Clerk Senior |
Office of Financial Analysis |
$ 45,012.11 |
$ 45,012.24 |
Luke, Carrie Lynn |
Instructional Learning Senior |
Library Dean - DMC LTIG |
$ 45,000.00 |
$ 45,000.00 |
Williams, Melanie Gay |
Infection Control Analyst |
UMH Infection Control |
$ 44,913.21 |
$ 0.00 |
Backman, Leif Ch R |
Info Resources Inter Supr |
Library Collect - CAS - ILL |
$ 44,913.00 |
$ 0.00 |
Judkins, Julie Christina |
Infor Resources Specialist Sr |
Ctr for History of Medicine |
$ 44,880.00 |
$ 0.00 |
Winder, Julie Ann |
International Services Rep |
International Center |
$ 44,814.81 |
$ 0.00 |
Gruzdeva, Elena |
International Services Rep |
International Center |
$ 44,737.20 |
$ 42,500.34 |
Stoll, Geoffrey F |
Info Resources Inter Supr |
Library Pub Svcs - OAS |
$ 44,711.04 |
$ 0.00 |
Mills, Kenneth C |
Inventory Control Clerk Senior |
UMH Oper Rooms - Univ Hospital |
$ 44,564.74 |
$ 0.00 |
Dean, Gemina Maria |
Inventory Control Clerk Senior |
UMH CPU - Central |
$ 44,510.96 |
$ 0.00 |
Fisher, Scott E |
Inventory Control Assoc Supr |
UMH Med Equip Operating |
$ 44,456.55 |
$ 0.00 |
Beltran, Roel G |
Inventory Control Clerk Senior |
UMH CPU - Central |
$ 44,451.94 |
$ 0.00 |
Nilsen, Kathryn E |
Info Resources Assistant Sr |
Law Library |
$ 44,327.00 |
$ 44,326.88 |
Lacombe, Richard Douglas |
Inventory Control Clerk Senior |
UMH Contracts - Proc Admin |
$ 44,312.80 |
$ 0.00 |
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