List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: financial specialist senio 31
Maximum Salary:$ 106,710.63
Average Salary:$ 66,538.14
Minimum Salary:$ 50,000.00

2007-08 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Wolf, Rodger A Financial Specialist Senior Finance - Personnel $ 106,710.63 $ 106,710.63
Loney, Stephen J Financial Specialist Senior Anesthesiology Department $ 90,458.00 $ 0.00
Richardson, Derrick T Financial Specialist Senior SRO Financial Group $ 80,070.00 $ 0.00
Lindner, Nancy Marie Financial Specialist Senior Human Genetics Department $ 80,000.00 $ 72,000.00
Dennis, Kathleen R Financial Specialist Senior Surgery Department $ 79,258.00 $ 79,258.00
Dagnes, Edward P Financial Specialist Senior ROSS SCH Dean-s Office $ 72,572.00 $ 72,572.00
Vance, Cynthia A Financial Specialist Senior Molecular - Behav Neurosc Inst $ 72,131.00 $ 72,131.00
Stinnett, Steven J Financial Specialist Senior Molecular - Behav Neurosc Inst $ 72,131.00 $ 72,131.00
Patton, Sandra M Financial Specialist Senior A. Alfred Taubman CA-UP Adm $ 71,243.00 $ 71,243.00
Stanfill, Scott Financial Specialist Senior LSA Biophysics $ 70,955.00 $ 56,764.00
Lennington, Deborah L Financial Specialist Senior ROSS SCH Dean-s Office $ 69,750.00 $ 69,750.00
Avery, Cynthia G Financial Specialist Senior Office of VP for Research $ 68,745.00 $ 68,745.00
Coltre, Craig G Financial Specialist Senior Fac Group Practice Operations $ 67,414.00 $ 0.00
Thomas, Ann M Financial Specialist Senior Library Info Tech - General $ 66,219.00 $ 66,219.00
Palazzolo, Catherine M Financial Specialist Senior UMTRI-Administration / Library $ 64,600.00 $ 64,600.00
Wexall, Barbara Financial Specialist Senior LSA Dean: Facilities $ 63,888.00 $ 51,110.40
Myers, Kimberly S Financial Specialist Senior Michigan Radio $ 62,938.62 $ 0.00
Forsyth, Linda J Financial Specialist Senior CoE Administration $ 62,500.00 $ 62,500.00
Davenport, Demond J C Financial Specialist Senior School of Art and Design $ 61,800.00 $ 61,800.00
Merline, Thomas J Financial Specialist Senior LSA Geological Sciences $ 61,231.00 $ 61,231.00
Stevenson-Howard, Suzanne P Financial Specialist Senior Computational Medicine and Bio $ 59,740.00 $ 44,805.00
Ruddy, Karen K Financial Specialist Senior Flint Financial Svcs - Budget $ 59,740.00 $ 59,740.00
Davis-Henson, Theda A Financial Specialist Senior Michigan Television $ 58,248.60 $ 0.00
Overholt, Diane M Financial Specialist Senior LSA Dean: Info. Technology $ 57,817.00 $ 57,817.00
Hamlin, Linda J Financial Specialist Senior Office of Technology Transfer $ 57,653.00 $ 57,653.00
Duby, Marilyn L Financial Specialist Senior Office of Financial Aid $ 56,813.26 $ 56,813.26
Pierce, Alison Baute Financial Specialist Senior UMH Social Work $ 56,773.60 $ 0.00
Prieur, Michael E Financial Specialist Senior ITCS-Merit Network $ 55,364.62 $ 0.00
Abdullah, Fatima Financial Specialist Senior University Productions $ 55,166.00 $ 55,166.00
Drogs, Stacey S Financial Specialist Senior Dermatology Department $ 50,752.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 2

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