List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: executive se 89
Maximum Salary:$ 74,502.21
Average Salary:$ 50,253.90
Minimum Salary:$ 40,317.04

2010-11 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Diana, Barbara A Executive Secretary Sch of Nat Resources - Environ $ 51,513.00 $ 0.00
Slane, Beverly J Executive Secretary Environmental Health Sciences $ 50,815.00 $ 50,814.92
Abrigo, Ronda Marie Executive Secretary LSA Economics $ 50,350.00 $ 50,350.04
Silverthorn, Renee Cheryl Executive Secretary LSA Dean: Dean-s Office $ 50,024.08 $ 50,024.00
Brown, Laura Jean Executive Secretary Coll of Arch - Urban Planning $ 50,023.00 $ 50,022.96
Welshans, Robin L Executive Secretary LSA Mathematics $ 49,905.00 $ 49,904.92
Freiman, Mary L Executive Secretary LSA American Culture $ 49,888.06 $ 49,888.02
Wanty, Holly Marie Executive Secretary LSA Physics $ 49,641.96 $ 49,642.06
Carr, Kathleen M Executive Secretary School of Nursing $ 49,469.94 $ 49,469.94
Paula, Raquel C Executive Secretary Office of Executive VP - CFO $ 49,200.06 $ 49,200.06
VanDyke, Kolby Executive Secretary Devl Annual Giving Program $ 48,959.90 $ 0.00
Wilkin, Stacy L Executive Secretary LSA Geological Sciences $ 48,701.88 $ 48,701.90
Lottman, Madolyn I Executive Secretary Sch of Nat Resources - Environ $ 48,688.00 $ 48,688.12
White, Phyllis M Executive Secretary Library Dean - General $ 48,544.08 $ 48,544.08
Portis, Faye M Executive Secretary LSA CAAS $ 48,497.98 $ 48,498.06
Klark, Jean S Executive Secretary DENT Dean-s Office $ 48,482.72 $ 48,482.72
Feldkamp, Linda A Executive Secretary Epidemiology Department $ 48,400.00 $ 48,400.04
Meyers Wilkens, Patricia Executive Secretary Knight-Wallace Fellows $ 48,316.93 $ 0.00
Iglesias, Miriam A Executive Secretary DENT Ortho/Peds Dentistry $ 48,024.34 $ 48,024.34
Petee, Sandra L Executive Secretary LSA Linguistics $ 48,011.94 $ 48,011.86
Coveleski, Kelly A Executive Secretary LSA Philosophy $ 47,827.92 $ 47,828.04
Bellmore, Renita M Executive Secretary DENTCariologyRestor Sci -Endo $ 47,827.26 $ 47,827.26
Kne, Sallie Madonna Executive Secretary LSA Mathematics $ 47,769.32 $ 44,807.62
Neill, Nancy K Executive Secretary LSA Dean: Outreach Staffing $ 47,511.10 $ 38,008.88
Winningham, Julie R Executive Secretary LSA Anthropology $ 47,487.92 $ 47,487.96
Lloyd, Traci Lynn Executive Secretary College of Pharmacy $ 47,426.00 $ 47,426.08
Suliman, Brenda J Executive Secretary LSA Dean: Dean-s Office $ 47,167.00 $ 47,167.12
McDonald, Hilda Executive Secretary Sch of Public Hlth-Dean-s Ofc $ 47,150.00 $ 47,149.96
Birko, Suzanne M Executive Secretary LSA Dean: Dean-s Office $ 47,125.88 $ 47,125.78
White, Jennifer E Executive Secretary LSA Slavic Languages - Lit. $ 47,030.10 $ 47,030.10
Page: 2 of 3

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