List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: executiv 173
Maximum Salary:$ 313,986.60
Average Salary:$ 76,741.86
Minimum Salary:$ 52,825.30

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Kunkel, Steven L EXECUTIVE VICE DEAN - UMMS MM Faculty Salaries $ 313,986.60 $ 0.00
Lee, Paul EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MM FGP Professional Billing $ 309,000.00 $ 0.00
Miller, David Christopher EXECUTIVE VICE DEAN - UMMS MM CE Pres MS Benefits Appt $ 245,000.00 $ 0.00
Najarian, Kayvan EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR UMOR MI Inst for Data Science $ 235,421.96 $ 2,354.22
Weinstein, Debra EXECUTIVE VICE DEAN - UMMS MM Faculty Salaries $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
Allada, Ravi EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MM Michigan Neuroscience Inst $ 225,000.00 $ 225,000.00
Bell, Ann E Executive Secretary National Major Gifts $ 98,433.00 $ 0.00
Webster, Ashley Executive Secretary Office of the General Counsel $ 88,689.17 $ 0.00
Lesowyk, Susan Executive Secretary Athletics $ 87,300.98 $ 0.00
Wonfor, Lisa Executive Secretary CoE Dean $ 86,735.00 $ 86,735.00
Straub, Ann Marie Executive Assistant Sr Hlth MM Nsg OH CNE $ 84,979.40 $ 0.00
Smith, Andrea Executive Assistant Sr Hlth MM HITS OCIO Administration $ 84,979.40 $ 0.00
Hoss, Betty J Executive Assistant Sr Hlth MM Int Med-Cardiology $ 84,979.40 $ 21,244.85
Cook, Julie Ann Executive Assistant Sr Hlth MM Quality - Quality Admin $ 84,644.90 $ 0.00
Vladu, Christine Marie Executive Secretary Biomedical Engineering $ 84,460.00 $ 84,460.00
Brown-McLeod, Judith Executive Assistant Sr Hlth MM Human Resources $ 84,368.52 $ 0.00
Pryor, Karen Executive Assistant Sr Hlth MM Compliance $ 84,256.68 $ 0.00
Lowe, Mindy Executive Secretary CoE Assoc Dean Academic Affair $ 83,600.00 $ 83,600.00
Turek, Lisa A Executive Assistant Sr Hlth MM Faculty Affairs $ 82,950.00 $ 0.00
Boldt, Judith Cathleen Executive Assistant Sr Hlth MM Pharmacy Administration $ 82,950.00 $ 0.00
Akans, Karen Eileen Executive Assistant Sr Hlth MM Strategic Plan & Bus Devel $ 82,950.00 $ 0.00
DeBoer, Traci Nadege Executive Assistant Sr Hlth MM Executive Administration $ 82,950.00 $ 0.00
Richardson, Lisa A Executive Secretary CoE Office of Advancement $ 82,729.00 $ 82,729.00
Estell, Cynthia Executive Secretary EECS - CSE Division $ 82,110.08 $ 82,110.00
Revill, Karen Executive Secretary CoE Undergraduate Education $ 81,510.00 $ 81,510.00
Boyce, Tammy L Executive Assistant Sr Hlth MM CW CNO Admin $ 81,275.94 $ 0.00
Titus, Ann Marie Executive Secretary LSA Dean: Specialized Ofc Svcs $ 80,858.10 $ 80,858.10
Wright, Peggy Executive Assistant Sr Hlth MM Offc for Hlt Eqty & Incl $ 79,038.80 $ 0.00
Solberg, Brianna Executive Assistant Sr Hlth MM Office of EVPMA $ 78,764.26 $ 0.00
Abrigo, Ronda Marie Executive Secretary LSA Economics $ 78,076.12 $ 78,076.12
Page: 1 of 6

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