List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: ex 255
Maximum Salary:$ 949,727.63
Average Salary:$ 77,306.35
Minimum Salary:$ 36,500.00

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 9
Name Title Department FTR GF
Runge, Marschall Stevens EXEC VPMA Non PTO - Operating $ 949,727.63 $ 0.00
VanBesien, Robert Matthew Exec Dir Non-Profit Arts Org Univ Musical Society $ 390,000.00 $ 0.00
Spahlinger, David A EXECUTIVE VICE DEAN - UMMS CE Pres MedSch Benefits Appt $ 303,870.53 $ 0.00
Barry, Elizabeth M Exec Asst To The President Office of the President $ 291,656.74 $ 291,656.74
Udow-Phillips, Marianne Exec Dir Healthcare Joint Vent CHRT $ 249,172.51 $ 0.00
Mashour, George A EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR UMOR Office of VP for Research $ 247,407.00 $ 12,370.00
Burns, Mark A EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR UMOR MCubed $ 240,107.00 $ 144,064.20
Bradford, Carol Rossier EXECUTIVE VICE DEAN - UMMS Faculty Salaries $ 206,013.00 $ 0.00
Hrabec, Erika Jane Exec Asst To The President Office of the President $ 188,527.85 $ 175,330.90
Roberts, Byron K External Relations Director CoE Dean-Engagement $ 185,400.00 $ 185,400.00
Hanss, Erica J Executive Asst to the Dean DENT Dean's Office-Fac Affairs $ 172,686.32 $ 172,686.32
Poore, Jeanine Dever External Relations Director LSA Dean: Advancement $ 153,000.00 $ 153,000.00
Hodges, Patricia Lynn Executive Asst to the Dean Stamps School of Art - Design $ 138,000.00 $ 138,000.00
Kirkland, Anna R EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR UMOR Inst Resrch Women-Gender $ 137,800.00 $ 103,350.00
Bauer, Kathleen Deborah Executive Asst to the Dean VProv Academic Innovation $ 126,756.00 $ 126,756.00
Humpert, Elizabeth B Exec Secretary to Sr Top Exec Office of the General Counsel $ 125,149.78 $ 125,149.78
Schmidt, Sharron Exec Secretary to Sr Top Exec Ofc Provost - Exec VP Acad Aff $ 109,019.00 $ 109,019.00
Hayes, Karen M Exec Secretary to Top Exec CE COO Administration $ 104,855.75 $ 0.00
Houghtaling, Karen M Exec Secretary to Sr Top Exec UMOR Office of VP for Research $ 104,545.00 $ 104,545.00
Jakeway, Jane E Exec Secretary to Sr Top Exec Office of Executive VP - CFO $ 102,400.00 $ 102,400.00
Hankins, Phoebe Theresa Exec Secretary to Top Exec CE Pres MedSch Benefits Appt $ 100,296.25 $ 0.00
Aerts, William External Relations Director EECS - CSE Division $ 100,000.00 $ 0.00
Asher, Audra Exec Secretary to Sr Top Exec Alumni Association $ 98,800.00 $ 0.00
McAuliffe, Dawn Marie Exec Secretary to Sr Top Exec VP for OUD $ 98,067.00 $ 0.00
Henderson, Susan Lucas Exec Secretary to Top Exec Athletics $ 96,597.79 $ 0.00
Johnston, Judith Exec Secretary to Top Exec Office of VP Student Life $ 92,700.00 $ 92,700.00
Brandon, Jamie Yost Exec Secretary to Top Exec Office of the President $ 92,700.00 $ 92,700.00
Postel, Patricia Exec Secretary to Sr Top Exec Non PTO - Operating $ 92,115.00 $ 0.00
Ianni, Terry R Exec Secretary to Sr Top Exec VP for Government Relations $ 88,221.53 $ 88,221.53
Santee, Vashni Exec Secretary to Top Exec ITS Office of CIO $ 88,000.00 $ 88,000.00
Page: 1 of 9

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