List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: desktop suppor 247
Maximum Salary:$ 129,732.00
Average Salary:$ 54,623.96
Minimum Salary:$ 30,000.10

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 9
Name Title Department FTR GF
Munce, Gary W Desktop Support Manager Digital Library Services $ 129,732.00 $ 129,732.00
Munn, Steven J Desktop Support Manager SRC-Comp - Multi-Media Tech $ 110,798.28 $ 0.00
Noori, Asmat Desktop Support Manager ICPSR-Computer - Network $ 99,249.36 $ 0.00
Beebe, Steven L Desktop Support Manager Info Sys Shared Support $ 97,200.00 $ 97,200.00
Beyer, Gregory A Desktop Support Manager LSA Dean: Info. Technology $ 92,477.00 $ 92,477.00
Falconer, Marjory E Desktop Support Manager HR Records - Info Services $ 88,733.68 $ 88,733.68
Pinaud, Eric Max Desktop Support Manager LSA Physics $ 87,800.00 $ 87,800.00
Konrad, Christopher J Desktop Support Manager Industrial Operations $ 86,745.00 $ 86,745.00
VanTrump, Joanna U Desktop Support Manager LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 84,755.00 $ 84,755.00
Bonam, Phillip X Desktop Support Spec Sr Supr LSA Dean: Info. Technology $ 84,370.00 $ 84,370.00
Ogasawara, Faye K Desktop Support Manager Atm Oceanic - Space Sci. $ 84,042.00 $ 42,021.00
Cox, Douglas T Desktop Support Manager LSA Chemistry $ 83,800.00 $ 83,800.00
Kopmanis, Jeffrey J Desktop Support Spec Sr Supr LSA Mathematics $ 82,604.08 $ 82,604.08
Kopinski, William Desktop Support Spec Ld Supr Digital Library Services $ 81,876.00 $ 81,876.00
Kotsones, James G Desktop Support Specialist Sr UMH MCIT Med Cntr Device Sup $ 80,417.48 $ 0.00
Nicholas, Charles A Desktop Support Specialist Sr Biomedical Engineering $ 80,184.78 $ 52,120.11
Loner, Herb W Desktop Support Spec Sr Supr LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 79,690.00 $ 79,690.00
Africa, Michael A Desktop Support Specialist Sr Chemical Engineering Dept $ 77,841.92 $ 77,841.92
Romine, Donald R Desktop Support Specialist Sr UMH MCIT Remote Cln Device Sup $ 77,007.32 $ 0.00
Sieg, Shawn L Desktop Support Spec Ld Supr HR Records - Info Services $ 76,903.92 $ 47,680.43
Herlocher, Nancy Brack Desktop Support Spec Sr Supr LSA Economics $ 76,500.06 $ 67,320.05
Parow, Michael L Desktop Support Specialist Sr Graduate School Administration $ 74,210.24 $ 74,210.24
Bingham, William T Desktop Support Manager LSA II:International Institute $ 74,072.00 $ 74,072.00
Mast, Nick A Desktop Support Manager CoE-IT Admin/Operating $ 73,161.00 $ 73,161.00
Sobkow, Cheryl Ann Desktop Support Spec Sr Supr UMH MCIT Customer Srv Ctr $ 72,647.12 $ 0.00
Giles, Robert F Desktop Support Specialist Sr Elec Engr - Comp Sci $ 72,624.76 $ 72,624.76
Smoke, Richard H Desktop Support Specialist Sr LSA Sociology $ 72,499.96 $ 72,499.96
Smith, Leslie J Desktop Support Specialist Sr UMH MCIT Med Cntr Device Sup $ 72,070.18 $ 0.00
Exelby, Nancy Milner Desktop Support Specialist Sr RCGD-Rsrch Cntr for Grp Dyn $ 71,530.16 $ 0.00
Heskett, Kenneth Alvin Desktop Support Manager LSA Psychology $ 71,400.00 $ 71,400.00
Page: 1 of 9

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