List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: data entry 17
Maximum Salary:$ 56,090.56
Average Salary:$ 37,979.80
Minimum Salary:$ 26,522.60

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Edmonds, JoVonne Data Entry Senior Supervisor OUA Processing $ 56,090.56 $ 56,090.56
Kinnunen, Nicole L Data Entry Operator Senior Michigan Photography $ 49,075.96 $ 0.00
Borden, Jennifer Teichow Data Entry Operator Senior Law School $ 47,809.00 $ 47,809.00
Proudlock, Lorri Data Entry Operator Senior Dbn Admissions $ 41,425.02 $ 41,425.00
Peaks, Yusuf Khalil Data Entry Operator Senior UMH Histocompatibility $ 41,374.13 $ 0.00
Andrews-Reid, A'Kiesha Louise Data Entry Operator Senior Dbn Admissions $ 40,775.02 $ 40,775.00
Greene, Shirley Data Entry Operator Senior Dbn Admissions $ 40,550.12 $ 40,550.00
Vilinskaia, Maria Y Data Entry Operator Senior OUA Processing $ 39,517.14 $ 39,517.24
Vendittelli, Tina I Data Entry Operator Senior OUA Processing $ 36,816.00 $ 36,816.06
Huether, Axel Data Entry Operator Inter Int Med-Cardiology $ 36,814.58 $ 0.00
Kidd, Doyle M Data Entry Operator Inter OUA Processing $ 34,738.60 $ 34,738.67
Wielichowski, Monica Susan Data Entry Operator Inter Flint Admissions - Recruitment $ 34,076.61 $ 34,076.61
Moore, Dale McClary Data Entry Operator Senior OUA Processing $ 32,820.06 $ 32,820.14
Donnelly, Lee Ann Data Entry Operator Associate OUA Processing $ 30,588.22 $ 30,588.18
Lee, Chad Data Entry Operator Inter Flint Admissions - Recruitment $ 28,987.92 $ 28,988.00
Jimenez-Brown, Jessica Data Entry Operator Inter Alumni Association $ 27,675.00 $ 0.00
Riley, Pamela Data Entry Operator Inter Flint Admissions - Recruitment $ 26,522.60 $ 26,522.60
Page: 1 of 1

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