List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: cont 142
Maximum Salary:$ 204,778.83
Average Salary:$ 60,775.21
Minimum Salary:$ 35,926.40

2012-13 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Daly, Thomas J Contract Bus/Dvlpmt Ofcr Hlth UMHS Contracting Office $ 204,778.83 $ 0.00
Barnett, Melanie A Continuing Education Director ROSS SCH Executive Education $ 203,606.00 $ 0.00
Nitkiewicz, Patrick Controller UMHS Financial Srvcs $ 175,100.00 $ 0.00
Walker, Jeffrey J Contract Bus/Dvlpmt Ofcr Hlth UMHS Hlth Systm Bus Dev $ 170,400.45 $ 0.00
Girard, M Jeanne Continuing Education Director Dbn Col of Eng-ProfessionalDev $ 120,834.56 $ 120,834.56
Olson, Robert Scott Contract Bus/Dvlpmt Ofcr Hlth Pediatric Surgery Section $ 118,450.00 $ 0.00
Kirkey, Jeffrey Edward Continuing Education Director Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 116,127.00 $ 0.00
Centurione, Janene Contract Bus/Dvlpmt Ofcr Hlth Research Business Development $ 114,179.36 $ 0.00
Grega, Debra Contract Bus/Dvlpmt Ofcr Hlth Research Business Development $ 110,869.97 $ 0.00
Cohan, Nina S Contract Admini Lead Hlth UMHS Contracting Office $ 107,945.33 $ 0.00
Poszywak, Dennis J Contract Administrator Senior Procurement $ 104,366.31 $ 104,366.31
Creque, Denise M Contract & Grant Specialist UMTRI-Administration / Library $ 88,855.00 $ 88,855.00
Stevens, Kathleen A Continuing Education Director Alumni Association $ 86,431.00 $ 0.00
Huenefeld, Curtis Lee Contract Administrative Mgr AEC Administration $ 80,351.57 $ 0.00
Tracy, Nancy M Contract & Grant Specialist SRC-Administration $ 70,578.63 $ 0.00
Van Putten, Edith Contract Administrator Senior Int Med-Hematology/Oncology $ 69,835.93 $ 0.00
Benton, Kathleen V Continuing Education Spec SOE-Affiliates $ 68,526.00 $ 0.00
Austin, Kathleen Garcia Contract Administrator Senior FinOps Spon Prgs & Gen AR $ 67,696.93 $ 67,696.93
Fisher, Stephanie Anne Continuing Education Manager Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 66,841.34 $ 0.00
Hathaway, Anne E Contract & Grant Specialist Psychiatry Admin-Central $ 66,208.12 $ 66,208.12
Mulkey, Donna L Contract & Grant Specialist Center for Human Growth & Dev $ 66,023.00 $ 66,023.00
De Filippo, Julie Contract & Grant Specialist Physical Medicine & Rehab Dept $ 65,841.84 $ 65,841.84
Ryker, Nikki Contract & Grant Specialist Radiation Oncology - Ann Arbor $ 65,705.85 $ 65,705.85
Bailey, Ryan Michelle Continuing Education Spec Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 65,541.94 $ 0.00
Stenberg, Stephanie Lynn Continuing Education Spec Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 65,000.00 $ 0.00
Bachant, Barbara J Continuing Education Manager CoE ISD - Professional Devel $ 64,852.00 $ 0.00
English, Anita M Contract & Grant Specialist UMTRI-Administration / Library $ 63,920.00 $ 54,332.00
Ketola, Zonda Renee Contract & Grant Specialist UMTRI-Administration / Library $ 63,555.00 $ 56,563.95
Eid, Khaled Contract Administrator Senior FinOps Spon Prgs & Gen AR $ 63,328.39 $ 63,328.39
Tietjen, Barbara L Contract & Grant Specialist A. Alfred Taubman CA&UP Adm $ 63,085.00 $ 62,517.24
Page: 1 of 5

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