List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: clerk int 91
Maximum Salary:$ 55,509.48
Average Salary:$ 31,210.42
Minimum Salary:$ 23,459.28

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Pocsatko, Tatiana R Clerk Intermediate NWC Apartments $ 29,490.24 $ 0.00
Pytlak, Diann E Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UMH Patient Food Svcs $ 29,311.36 $ 0.00
Colvia, Timothy Clerk Intermediate Healthcare FGP Professional Billing $ 28,999.88 $ 0.00
Meier, Sharon K Clerk Intermediate East Quad $ 28,933.32 $ 0.00
Daugherty, Sasha Anne Clerk Intermediate MAIS IMG SVCS $ 28,848.04 $ 28,848.04
Snider, Diana L Clerk Intermediate MAIS IMG SVCS $ 28,493.92 $ 28,493.92
Garcia, Catherine C Clerk Intermediate FinOps Student Bus Ops $ 28,259.20 $ 28,259.14
Seyfried, Ashley Nicole Clerk Intermediate MAIS IMG SVCS $ 28,257.06 $ 28,257.06
Bredernitz, Anastasia Clerk Intermediate Counseling Services $ 28,253.94 $ 28,253.94
Harvey, Jennifer Clerk Intermediate Counseling Services $ 28,253.94 $ 28,253.94
Smith, Peggy Sue Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UMH Med Equip Operating $ 28,199.86 $ 0.00
Dinsmor, Rachel Elizabeth Clerk Intermediate MAIS IMG SVCS $ 28,122.12 $ 28,122.12
Lambson, Rachelle L Clerk Intermediate Instructional Support Services $ 28,109.90 $ 28,109.90
Pearson, Shannan E Clerk Intermediate FinOps Student Bus Ops $ 27,973.40 $ 27,973.40
Ott, Jeannine Marie Clerk Intermediate FinOps Student Bus Ops $ 27,973.40 $ 27,973.40
Scott, Merranda J Clerk Intermediate Healthcare Radiology Department $ 27,851.20 $ 0.00
Rogowski, Rhonda Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UMH Motor Meals $ 27,406.86 $ 0.00
Rendziperis, Michelle Sophia Clerk Intermediate Office of Evaluations - Exam $ 27,053.00 $ 0.00
Rodriguez, Denise R Clerk Intermediate MAIS IMG SVCS $ 26,868.92 $ 26,868.92
Mosbey, Juliana O Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UMH Motor Meals $ 26,826.54 $ 0.00
Crisostomo, Amelia A Clerk Intermediate Risk Management $ 26,661.63 $ 0.00
Kihn, Victoria Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UMH Patient Food Svcs $ 25,901.72 $ 0.00
Anderson, Michelle A Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UMH Peds Pulmonary Function $ 25,879.62 $ 0.00
Collins, Elmira A Clerk Intermediate School of Nursing $ 25,714.52 $ 0.00
Grekin, Rebecca Clerk Intermediate Intergroup Relations $ 25,194.00 $ 25,194.00
Gillespie, Danielle Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UMH Patient Food Svcs - MCHC $ 24,569.48 $ 0.00
Czuk, Valerie Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UMH Patient Food Svcs - MCHC $ 24,481.60 $ 0.00
Moore, Lindsay Katherine Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UMH Patient Food Svcs - MCHC $ 24,166.22 $ 0.00
Magers, Rebecca Lee Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UMH Patient Food Svcs $ 24,080.68 $ 0.00
Pearlstein, Elyssa Clerk Intermediate Healthcare UMH Patient Food Svcs - MCHC $ 24,024.00 $ 0.00
Page: 3 of 4

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