List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: chef as 15
Maximum Salary:$ 36,233.60
Average Salary:$ 36,233.60
Minimum Salary:$ 36,233.60

2007-08 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Allen, Brian Keith CHEF ASST UMH Food Procure/Production $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Blackmon, O'dell CHEF ASST Unions-Food Service $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Bush, Michael Laurence CHEF ASST Unions-Food Service $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Capp, Samuel L CHEF ASST Markley Hall $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Crawford, Steven L CHEF ASST South Quad $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Dameron, Angela Shanett CHEF ASST East Quad $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Garrett Jr, Don L CHEF ASST Unions-Food Service $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Gibson, Kathleen A CHEF ASST Couzens Hall $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Grob, Robert Phillip CHEF ASST Unions-Food Service $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Horning, Allen N CHEF ASST Unions-Food Service $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Kulczynski, Thomas F CHEF ASST Unions-Food Service $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Layher, John M CHEF ASST Unions-Food Service $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Randolph, Andrea M CHEF ASST Housing Mng Ops-Dining Service $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Taylor, Judith M CHEF ASST Housing-Dining Services $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Thomas, Christopher R CHEF ASST Unions-Food Service $ 36,233.60 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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