List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: career 13
Maximum Salary:$ 85,981.00
Average Salary:$ 53,747.74
Minimum Salary:$ 38,828.42

2005-06 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Borland, Kerin Mcquaid Career Development Assoc Dir Career Center $ 85,981.00 $ 85,981.00
Lynn, Leslie C Career Development Assoc Dir ROSS SCH Student Services $ 70,500.00 $ 56,400.00
Lamarco, Teresa L Career Development Assoc Dir Career Center $ 67,750.00 $ 67,750.00
Yu, Eun Ja Career Development Assoc Dir ROSS SCH Student Services $ 59,523.00 $ 59,523.00
Lehker, Thomas R Career Development Asst Dir Career Center $ 54,014.58 $ 54,014.58
Mecozzi, Mariella Career Development Asst Dir Career Center $ 53,268.74 $ 53,268.74
Sebille-White, Lynne M Career Development Asst Dir Career Center $ 48,965.28 $ 48,965.28
Malas, Janice M Career Services Coordinator ROSS SCH Student Services $ 46,555.00 $ 46,555.00
Adams, Kathleen A Career Pln Counselor Regional Dbn Career Services $ 44,566.00 $ 44,566.00
Roan, Britta E Career Pln Counselor Regional Dbn Career Services $ 44,079.00 $ 44,079.00
Hoag, Amy K Career Services Coordinator Career Center $ 42,440.91 $ 42,440.91
Williams, Steve Edgar Career Services Coordinator Career Center $ 42,248.75 $ 33,799.00
Nordberg, Ryan M Career Services Coordinator Career Center $ 38,828.42 $ 38,828.42
Page: 1 of 1

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