List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: budget analy 30
Maximum Salary:$ 103,000.00
Average Salary:$ 65,553.98
Minimum Salary:$ 37,454.12

2010-11 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Stringer, William E Budget Analyst Lead Office of Budget - Planning $ 103,000.00 $ 103,000.00
Barnett, William Douglas Budget Analyst Lead LSA Dean: Finance $ 94,760.00 $ 94,760.00
Crundwell, Shelly M Budget Analyst Lead CoE Resource Planning - Mgmt $ 94,441.00 $ 94,441.00
Eickholt, Michele M Budget Analyst Lead CoE Resource Planning - Mgmt $ 92,628.00 $ 92,628.00
McClanahan, Patricia R Budget Analyst Senior Office of Budget - Planning $ 79,000.00 $ 79,000.00
White, Christopher J Budget Analyst Senior HR Strategy - Planning $ 78,367.00 $ 54,856.90
Engel, Lisa M Budget Analyst Lead Univ Parking Svcs-Central Camp $ 73,440.00 $ 0.00
Stautz, Lori Lynn Budget Analyst Senior School of Nursing $ 72,659.50 $ 72,659.50
Blakley, Linda L Budget Analyst Senior LSA Dean: Finance $ 72,052.00 $ 72,052.00
Carpenter, Jacqueline A Budget Analyst Senior ITS Admin Finance - Purchasing $ 69,312.00 $ 0.00
Millina, Joy Helen Budget Analyst Senior School of Nursing $ 68,628.86 $ 68,628.86
Varney, Carol A Budget Analyst Intermediate Dbn Enrlmt Mgmt - Student Life $ 68,299.78 $ 68,299.78
Mell, Carrie Helen Budget Analyst Senior ITS Admin Finance - Purchasing $ 66,088.00 $ 0.00
Hall, James C Budget Analyst Lead Athletics $ 66,000.00 $ 0.00
McGuinty, Pamela Ann Budget Analyst Senior ITS Admin Finance - Purchasing $ 63,703.00 $ 0.00
Hopper, Mary D Budget Analyst Intermediate SRO Financial Group $ 62,847.10 $ 0.00
White, Deanah M Budget Analyst Intermediate OAMI Admin $ 62,800.00 $ 56,520.00
Martin, Nancy K Budget Analyst Senior ITS Admin Finance - Purchasing $ 62,261.00 $ 0.00
Turner, Camie M Budget Analyst Senior Fleming Shared Services $ 60,475.00 $ 60,475.00
Doerr, Kimberly D Budget Analyst Lead Flint University Relations $ 58,585.86 $ 46,868.69
Cramer, Janelle P Budget Analyst Intermediate SRO Financial Group $ 57,810.68 $ 0.00
Malhas, Hana Ali Budget Analyst Intermediate Inst for Human Adjustment CO $ 56,781.01 $ 0.00
Siefke, Nicholas Shawn Budget Analyst Associate OAMI Admin $ 56,399.98 $ 1,844.28
Mills, Douglas H Budget Analyst Senior OUA AVP and Operations $ 53,580.60 $ 53,580.60
Sortor, Eric Christopher Budget Analyst Intermediate Library Admin - Finance $ 53,292.00 $ 53,292.00
Stevens, Zoe R Budget Analyst Intermediate Utility/Plant - Engineering $ 48,591.88 $ 0.00
Dresselhouse-Nauss, Becky Sue Budget Analyst Intermediate Dbn School of Education $ 47,110.00 $ 40,043.50
Haynes, Julie T Budget Analyst Associate G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 44,839.00 $ 44,839.08
Campbell, Vanessa Budget Analyst Associate Law School $ 41,412.00 $ 20,705.88
Cheatham, Janelle' Budget Analyst Associate Dbn Financial -Budget Services $ 37,454.12 $ 37,454.04
Page: 1 of 1

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