List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: assoc profe 933
Maximum Salary:$ 293,899.00
Average Salary:$ 98,926.27
Minimum Salary:$ 44,300.00

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 26 of 36
Name Title Department FTR GF
Ike, Robert W ASSOC PROFESSOR Int Med-Rheumatology $ 66,416.00 $ 0.00
Vaillant, Derek W ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Communication Studies $ 66,300.00 $ 66,300.00
Wilfong, Terry G ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Near Eastern Studies $ 66,140.00 $ 33,070.00
Shah, Priti R ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 66,047.00 $ 66,047.00
Chodacki, Deborah S ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Music $ 65,930.00 $ 65,930.00
Countryman, Matthew J ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA American Culture $ 65,800.00 $ 32,900.00
Countryman, Matthew J ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA History $ 65,800.00 $ 32,900.00
Richards, Janet E ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Near Eastern Studies $ 65,774.00 $ 32,887.00
Ginsburg, Elliot K ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Near Eastern Studies $ 65,580.00 $ 0.00
Thomas Jr, Charles B ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint SocAnthropology - CJ $ 65,573.00 $ 65,573.00
Rardin, Paul Andrew ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Music $ 65,515.00 $ 65,515.00
Lutzker, Adam ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Economics $ 65,356.00 $ 65,356.00
Donahue, Craig Joseph ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 65,328.00 $ 65,328.00
Sheil, Martha J ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Music $ 65,320.00 $ 65,320.00
Wang, Zheng ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Women-s Studies $ 65,280.00 $ 32,640.00
Holmes, Megan L ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA History of Art $ 65,244.00 $ 0.00
Mountain, Vincent A ASSOC PROFESSOR Theatre and Drama $ 65,193.00 $ 65,193.00
Von Moltke, Johannes Eugen ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Germanic Languages - Lit. $ 65,080.00 $ 32,540.00
Von Moltke, Johannes Eugen ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Screen Arts - Cultures $ 65,080.00 $ 32,540.00
Gould, Michael ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA UG: Residential College $ 65,000.00 $ 32,500.00
Parrish, Susan Scott ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA English Language - Lit. $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
Portnoy, Alisse Suzanne ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA English Language - Lit. $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
McFarland, Marilyn Ruth ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Nursing $ 65,000.00 $ 52,000.00
Fisher, Don Lowell ASSOC PROFESSOR Medical School Administration $ 64,932.00 $ 64,932.00
Hansen, Kristina D ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Mathematics $ 64,918.00 $ 64,918.00
Verdesio, Gustavo ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA American Culture $ 64,880.00 $ 16,220.00
Verdesio, Gustavo ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 64,880.00 $ 48,660.00
Radine, Lawrence B ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Behavioral Sciences $ 64,873.00 $ 64,873.00
Chambers, Evan K ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Music $ 64,854.00 $ 64,854.00
Flax, Neil M ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Humanities $ 64,834.00 $ 64,834.00
Page: 26 of 36

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