List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: assoc prof 920
Maximum Salary:$ 298,000.00
Average Salary:$ 138,157.04
Minimum Salary:$ 64,591.00

2022-23 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 31
Name Title Department FTR GF
Ganesh, Santhi K ASSOC PROFESSOR Int Med-Cardiology $ 225,000.00 $ 10,651.50
Patel, Sanjeevkumar Ramb ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Nephrology $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
Atasoy, Ulus ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Allergy Division $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
An, Lawrence C ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-General Medicine $ 225,000.00 $ 12,258.00
Deng, Jane C ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Pulm./Critical Care $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
Min, Lillian ASSOC PROFESSOR MM IM-Geri & Palliative Med. $ 225,000.00 $ 4,796.20
Kim, Kevin K ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Pulm./Critical Care $ 225,000.00 $ 11,713.50
Huang, Steven ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Pulm./Critical Care $ 225,000.00 $ 10,017.00
Li, Qing ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Hematology/Oncology $ 225,000.00 $ 18,704.25
Sussman, Jeremy Broder ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-General Medicine $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
Stidham, Ryan William ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Gastroenterology $ 225,000.00 $ 7,456.50
Kullgren, Jeffrey Todd ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-General Medicine $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
Dickson, Robert ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Pulm./Critical Care $ 225,000.00 $ 36,132.75
Hummel, Scott ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Cardiology $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
Knight, Jason Scott ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Rheumatology $ 225,000.00 $ 12,456.00
Carter, Patrick Michael ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Emergency Medicine UM Adult $ 225,000.00 $ 44,023.50
Sjoding, Michael W ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Pulm./Critical Care $ 225,000.00 $ 21,521.25
Baptist, Alan Peter-Percy ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Allergy Division $ 225,000.00 $ 3,195.00
Van Poznak, Catherine H ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Hematology/Oncology $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
Sharma, Pratima ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Gastroenterology $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
Prescott, Hallie Christine ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Pulm./Critical Care $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
Barnes, Geoffrey D ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Cardiology $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
Marks, Rory Marcus ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Int Med-Rheumatology $ 225,000.00 $ 0.00
Adhvaryu, Achyuta Rasendra ASSOC PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 223,500.00 $ 69,508.50
Schwartz, Eric Michael ASSOC PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 221,000.00 $ 221,000.00
Brenner, Michael J ASSOC PROFESSOR Otorhinolaryngology Department $ 220,000.00 $ 0.00
Shuman, Andrew Gregg ASSOC PROFESSOR Otorhinolaryngology Department $ 220,000.00 $ 4,807.28
Zopf, David Adam ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Otolaryngology - HNS $ 220,000.00 $ 0.00
Basura, Gregory ASSOC PROFESSOR Otorhinolaryngology Department $ 220,000.00 $ 0.00
Burson, Katherine Alicia ASSOC PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 218,000.00 $ 218,000.00
Page: 3 of 31

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