List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: assoc pro 933
Maximum Salary:$ 300,000.00
Average Salary:$ 104,297.49
Minimum Salary:$ 27,315.60

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 17 of 36
Name Title Department FTR GF
Li, Lydia Wailing ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 90,677.33 $ 90,677.33
Johnson, Paul Christopher ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA CAAS $ 90,481.00 $ 45,240.50
Johnson, Paul Christopher ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA History $ 90,481.00 $ 45,240.50
Soo, Lydia M ASSOC PROFESSOR Coll of Arch and Urban Planning $ 90,406.00 $ 90,406.00
Cole, Elizabeth Ruth ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Women-#39;s Studies $ 90,295.33 $ 67,721.50
Cole, Elizabeth Ruth ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 90,295.00 $ 22,573.75
Brader, Ted ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 90,131.00 $ 90,131.00
Angulo-Barroso, Rosa M ASSOC PROFESSOR Division of Kinesiology $ 90,000.00 $ 45,000.00
Baptista, Marlyse ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA CAAS $ 90,000.00 $ 45,000.00
Baptista, Marlyse ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 90,000.00 $ 45,000.00
Gross, M Melissa ASSOC PROFESSOR Division of Kinesiology $ 90,000.00 $ 84,060.00
Paulson, Sarah Buss ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 90,000.00 $ 0.00
Amin, Camron M ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Social Sciences $ 89,791.00 $ 29,631.03
Kampfner, Roberto R ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Eng-Computer and Info $ 89,772.00 $ 89,772.00
Kurdak, Cagliyan ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 89,700.00 $ 89,700.00
Lin, Ann Chih ASSOC PROFESSOR G. Ford Sch of Public Policy $ 89,500.00 $ 89,500.00
Chandra, Charu ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Eng-Indust and Sys En $ 89,481.00 $ 89,481.00
Kridli, Ghassan T ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Eng-Indust and Sys En $ 89,458.00 $ 89,458.00
Zhang, Jianzhi ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Ecology and Evolutionary Bio $ 89,390.00 $ 89,390.00
Fuller, A Oveta ASSOC PROFESSOR Microbiology and Immunology $ 89,354.00 $ 80,418.60
Ceballo, Rosario E ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 89,264.00 $ 66,948.00
Ceballo, Rosario E ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Women-#39;s Studies $ 89,264.00 $ 22,316.00
Elkateeb, Ali M ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Eng-Electric and Comp $ 89,145.00 $ 89,145.00
Means Coleman, Robin Renee ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA CAAS $ 89,134.00 $ 22,283.50
Means Coleman, Robin Renee ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Communication Studies $ 89,133.33 $ 66,850.00
Young, Jason T ASSOC PROFESSOR Coll of Arch and Urban Planning $ 89,091.00 $ 89,091.00
Hershock, Martin Joh ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Social Sciences $ 88,861.17 $ 29,328.00
Carter, Deborah Faye ASSOC PROFESSOR SOE-CSHPE $ 88,820.00 $ 88,820.00
Willard-Traub, Margaret Katharine ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 88,818.00 $ 44,409.00
Jakob, Ursula H ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 88,540.00 $ 78,357.90
Page: 17 of 36

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