List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: administrative special 145
Maximum Salary:$ 90,617.34
Average Salary:$ 51,091.25
Minimum Salary:$ 30,071.42

2007-08 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Palazzolo, Valerie Denise Adams Administrative Specialist UM Work Life Program $ 55,620.00 $ 0.00
Keedy, Deborah K Administrative Specialist Biologic and Materials Science $ 55,518.98 $ 37,475.31
Musleh, Fadi William Administrative Specialist Ofc Provost - Exec VP Acad Aff $ 55,000.00 $ 55,000.00
Ozanich, Jane R Administrative Specialist LSA II:International Institute $ 54,621.00 $ 0.00
Kirchner, Karen L Administrative Specialist RCGD-Rsrch Cntr for Grp Dyn $ 54,384.00 $ 0.00
Wiersema, Melissa N Administrative Specialist School of Social Work $ 54,337.50 $ 54,337.50
Roberts, Deborah J Administrative Specialist Devl Budget - Administration $ 54,240.00 $ 0.00
Bachant, Barbara J Administrative Specialist CoE Ctr for Professional Devel $ 53,944.00 $ 0.00
Kirt, MaryAnn Administrative Specialist Oral Surgery at Hosp Clinic $ 53,922.15 $ 0.00
Parks, Brenda L Administrative Specialist Law School $ 53,875.62 $ 53,875.62
Kissel, Beverly A Administrative Specialist MLSC-Core Technology Alliance $ 53,664.00 $ 0.00
Knieper, Janie Crippen Administrative Specialist School of Education $ 53,545.00 $ 33,197.62
Scott, Lorelei M Administrative Specialist LSA English Language - Lit. $ 53,362.00 $ 53,362.00
Harrison, Kathe L Administrative Specialist LSA Dean: Dean-s Office $ 53,300.00 $ 53,300.00
Robinson, Kelly Ann Administrative Specialist Athletics $ 53,210.69 $ 0.00
Hamilton, Chrisstina Marina Administrative Specialist School of Art and Design $ 53,045.00 $ 0.00
Folsom, Anna L Administrative Specialist Biomedical Engineering $ 53,000.00 $ 0.00
Newton, Cathy Jenkins Administrative Specialist School of Nursing $ 52,631.25 $ 52,631.25
Beauchamp, Andrea R Administrative Specialist LSA English Language - Lit. $ 52,441.00 $ 52,441.00
Fediuk, Carolyn L Administrative Specialist Alumni Association $ 52,250.00 $ 0.00
Painter, Jo Anne W Administrative Specialist Div of Research Devel - Admin $ 52,130.00 $ 41,704.00
Moehring, Cynthia A Administrative Specialist Dbn Office of the Chancellor $ 52,000.00 $ 52,000.00
Heady, Kathy N Administrative Specialist Law School $ 52,000.00 $ 52,000.00
Thompson, Jean F Administrative Specialist Patient Services Dentistry $ 51,999.13 $ 0.00
Kunselman, Stephen Administrative Specialist Utility/Plant - Engineering $ 51,990.00 $ 0.00
Hunscher, Helaine R Administrative Specialist Sch of Nat Resources - Environ $ 51,970.00 $ 0.00
Suntheimer, Mimi Administrative Specialist Barbour Newberry $ 51,965.28 $ 0.00
Madaj, Daniel Administrative Specialist LSA UG: Exhibit Museum $ 51,817.00 $ 51,817.00
Busch, Erika Administrative Specialist ROSS SCH BBA Program $ 51,666.00 $ 51,666.00
Young, Michelle A Administrative Specialist LSA Physics $ 51,600.00 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 5

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