List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: admin coord/project 271
Maximum Salary:$ 77,977.82
Average Salary:$ 49,344.32
Minimum Salary:$ 33,280.00

2020-21 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 10
Name Title Department FTR GF
Chulski, Kolleen Christine Admin Coord/Project Coord School of Kinesiology $ 77,977.82 $ 19,494.43
Dusette, Tobias Admin Coord/Project Coord Rackham Dean's Office $ 75,014.12 $ 46,883.83
Menardi, Lisa Carol Admin Coord/Project Coord ROSS SCH Executive MBA Program $ 71,637.28 $ 71,637.33
Schork, Ashley Admin Coord/Project Coord Life Sciences Institute-Admin $ 71,611.69 $ 0.00
Meyers Wilkens, Patricia Admin Coord/Project Coord Wallace House $ 68,934.06 $ 0.00
Agius, Connie E Admin Coord/Project Coord Utilities Electrical Maint $ 66,904.94 $ 0.00
Rodriguez, Linda Jean Admin Coord/Project Coord EH&S $ 62,831.43 $ 62,831.43
Reeves, Michaele Lynne Admin Coord/Project Coord ROSS SCH Tauber Institute $ 62,681.32 $ 0.00
Griffith, Diane Admin Coord/Project Coord ROSS SCH Part-Time MBA Program $ 62,649.08 $ 62,649.09
Check, Debra L Admin Coord/Project Coord ROSS SCH Action Based Learning $ 61,969.18 $ 61,969.18
Sanders, Laurie Ann Admin Coord/Project Coord LSA Dean: Facilities $ 61,900.00 $ 61,900.00
Hoag, Elizabeth Ann Admin Coord/Project Coord Chief Investment Officer (CIO) $ 61,550.06 $ 0.00
Roberts, Bonnie L Admin Coord/Project Coord G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 60,960.12 $ 48,768.10
Slavin, Susan N Admin Coord/Project Coord ROSS SCH Paton Accounting Cntr $ 60,723.26 $ 0.00
Laesch, Tricia L Admin Coord/Project Coord Michigan Medicine Security Ser $ 60,646.00 $ 0.00
Donovan, Amanda Ruth Admin Coord/Project Coord SRC - Youth & Social Issues $ 60,206.14 $ 0.00
Soules, Jennifer Admin Coord/Project Coord Life Sciences Institute-Admin $ 59,999.94 $ 0.00
Robins, Michelle L Admin Coord/Project Coord CME and Lifelong Learning $ 59,890.22 $ 0.00
Ryszawa, Susan Admin Coord/Project Coord OMSE Curriculum Srvs General $ 59,890.00 $ 0.00
Marshall, Sheryll Ann Admin Coord/Project Coord Neurology Department $ 59,881.29 $ 0.00
Badish, Sharon L Admin Coord/Project Coord Pediatrics-Cardiology $ 59,835.11 $ 0.00
Price, Nyshourn Deneen Admin Coord/Project Coord School of Social Work $ 59,328.10 $ 59,328.00
Petrus, Dahlia Admin Coord/Project Coord LSA Ctr for Social Solutions $ 59,160.00 $ 29,580.00
Sumkowski, Marcene A Admin Coord/Project Coord FinOps AccOp Plant & Debt $ 58,750.19 $ 58,750.10
Snyder, Robyn Admin Coord/Project Coord SACUA $ 58,262.00 $ 58,262.00
Grogan-Kaylor, Shari Admin Coord/Project Coord School of Social Work $ 58,017.96 $ 29,008.98
Bloom, Kaylee Admin Coord/Project Coord ITS Admin Org Development $ 58,000.02 $ 58,000.00
Wilson, Ryan M Admin Coord/Project Coord Movers Department $ 57,385.07 $ 0.00
Stepanchuk, Carol A Admin Coord/Project Coord LSA II: KLRR Ctr Chinese Studi $ 56,820.00 $ 0.00
Sanchez-Snell, Teresa R Admin Coord/Project Coord LSA UG: Residential College $ 56,815.94 $ 37,896.23
Page: 1 of 10

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