List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: admin ass 811
Maximum Salary:$ 66,250.34
Average Salary:$ 46,647.12
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 28
Name Title Department FTR GF
Younts, Rachael L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMHS Dev. - Principal Gifts $ 66,250.34 $ 0.00
Henderson, Kathy A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Facilities $ 64,316.74 $ 0.00
Hackbarth, Lisa G Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-Cardiology $ 63,346.74 $ 0.00
Campbell, Carolyn M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare DENT Oral Surgery @ HospClinic $ 62,630.78 $ 0.00
Mijal, Natalie Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Orthopaedic Surgery $ 61,810.32 $ 12,362.05
Meland, Abigail L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Department of Radiology $ 61,169.21 $ 0.00
Villemure, Duwana Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Vascular Surgery Section $ 60,688.73 $ 0.00
Varga, Pamela Sue Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-Gastroenterology $ 60,493.00 $ 0.00
Chevalier, Penelope L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare MHC Administration $ 59,505.94 $ 0.00
Darwin, Brenda L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH PM&R Clinics - Tech $ 59,099.31 $ 0.00
Arreguin, Carrie M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare HITS Finance & Administration $ 57,921.24 $ 0.00
Patrell, Susan M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-General Medicine $ 57,850.00 $ 0.00
Ellis, Cynthia Lynn Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-General Medicine $ 57,850.00 $ 0.00
Logan, Brenette L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing Administration $ 57,850.00 $ 0.00
Spaulding, Brenda A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Orthopaedic Surgery $ 57,850.00 $ 0.00
Cash, Donna Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-Rheumatology $ 57,850.00 $ 0.00
Schaefer, Karen M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare MICHR - Operations $ 57,850.00 $ 0.00
Russell, Dawn Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Healthcare Policy & Innov-IHPI $ 57,850.00 $ 0.00
Kroh, Lynn Marie Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-Hematology/Oncology $ 57,850.00 $ 0.00
Wash, Julie Ann Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nurse Info Svcs $ 57,849.99 $ 0.00
Collins, Kathleen Susan Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Program Nsg Excellence $ 57,849.99 $ 0.00
Zeisler, Lisa S Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing CVC Admin $ 57,849.99 $ 0.00
McFarland-Hinton, Rita L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Patient Food/Nutr Svcs $ 57,849.99 $ 0.00
Witherspoon, Tina M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH 5B1 Acute Care Medicine $ 57,849.99 $ 0.00
Beutler, Gayle L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing CVC Admin $ 57,849.97 $ 0.00
Gutierrez, Christina Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing Amb Care Admin $ 57,849.93 $ 0.00
Lipon, Suzanne Marie Admin Asst Sr Healthcare CE Phys Relations & Outreach $ 57,849.85 $ 0.00
Gonzalez, Karen Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing Business Operation $ 57,849.85 $ 0.00
Peterson, Cheryl J Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Pediatric Surgery Section $ 57,849.85 $ 0.00
Chanter, Carol A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Anesthesiology Department $ 57,849.28 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 28

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