List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: accounts pay 55
Maximum Salary:$ 93,443.90
Average Salary:$ 45,978.59
Minimum Salary:$ 28,999.88

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Michoski, Adam Accounts Payable Manager Shared Services Center - FIN $ 93,443.90 $ 93,443.90
Frye, Lisa Accounts Payable Inter Supr Shared Services Center $ 85,100.00 $ 85,100.00
Blankenship, Carolynn K Accounts Payable Senior Supr Proc Audit - Compliance $ 79,330.59 $ 0.00
Siefke, Nicholas Shawn Accounts Payable Inter Supr Shared Services Center - FIN $ 73,558.30 $ 73,558.30
Payne, Karen A Accounts Payable Inter Supr Shared Services Center - FIN $ 73,181.50 $ 73,181.50
Wahl, Cheryl L Accounts Payable Inter Supr Shared Services Center - FIN $ 71,350.44 $ 71,350.44
Smigielski, Michael Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 64,006.28 $ 64,006.28
Swales, Leann M Accounts Payable Senior Supr Shared Services Center - FIN $ 63,860.00 $ 31,930.00
Tietjen, Barbara L Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 63,715.99 $ 63,716.00
Lindsey, Megan Accounts Payable Senior Supr Shared Services Center - FIN $ 63,337.45 $ 63,337.45
Miller, Heidi Accounts Payable Senior Supr Shared Services Center - FIN $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00
Woods, Andrea G Accounts Payable Assoc Supr UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 56,639.74 $ 0.00
Stark, Camille Patrice Accounts Payable Inter Supr Shared Services Center - FIN $ 56,500.65 $ 56,500.65
Mills, Douglas H Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 55,894.02 $ 55,894.02
Maton, Linda C Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 55,800.00 $ 55,800.00
Dietz, Pamela L Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 49,314.99 $ 49,315.01
Kelly, Angela Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 49,236.35 $ 49,236.41
Dieterle, Debra A Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 49,149.00 $ 49,148.97
Johnson-Rafalski, Lauri K Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 46,918.29 $ 46,918.33
Johnson, LaToya Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 42,991.00 $ 42,990.90
L'huillier, Vicki J Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 41,353.68 $ 41,353.66
Aiello, Anthony Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 41,326.38 $ 41,326.28
Henry, Diane S Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 40,015.21 $ 40,015.25
Ambrose, Katherine Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 39,534.00 $ 39,534.08
Kuszak, Lynnette Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 39,300.04 $ 39,300.00
Hunt, Karie Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 39,000.00 $ 39,000.00
Arbogast, Lori Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 38,766.97 $ 38,766.89
Stedman, Thomas Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 38,749.59 $ 38,749.65
Harris, Lori Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 38,242.60 $ 38,242.72
Mees, Peggy Accounts Payable Clerk Inter Shared Services Center - FIN $ 38,199.98 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 2

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