List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: academic records asst 53
Maximum Salary:$ 43,333.42
Average Salary:$ 30,976.06
Minimum Salary:$ 21,499.92

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Schmenk, Kay A Academic Records Asst Inter Admissions $ 43,333.42 $ 43,333.42
Noland, Shirley Academic Records Asst Inter Law School $ 41,870.66 $ 41,870.66
Paige, Cari L Academic Records Asst Inter Registrar-s Office $ 41,648.88 $ 41,648.88
Epps, Bettye J Academic Records Asst Inter Admissions $ 39,536.12 $ 39,536.12
Wolfe, Judy R Academic Records Asst Inter CoE Undergraduate Education $ 39,183.30 $ 39,183.30
Ivacko, Paul E Academic Records Asst Inter CoE Undergraduate Education $ 36,833.94 $ 36,833.94
Noronha, Jane Mary Academic Records Asst Inter School of Social Work $ 36,043.02 $ 36,043.02
Habay, Linda M Academic Records Asst Inter Medical School Administration $ 34,736.52 $ 0.00
Sutton, Cindy L Academic Records Asst Inter Graduate School Administration $ 34,727.42 $ 34,727.42
Kazanowski, Amy M Academic Records Asst Inter Dbn School of Management $ 34,715.98 $ 34,715.98
Harrigan, Conni F Academic Records Asst Assoc Sch of Public Hlth-Dean-s Ofc $ 34,100.04 $ 34,100.04
Bachman, Kathy J Academic Records Asst Inter Registrar-s Office $ 33,948.72 $ 33,948.72
Carpenter, Sally K Academic Records Asst Assoc Registrar-s Office $ 33,684.30 $ 33,684.30
Gibson, Tamara A Academic Records Asst Inter Graduate School Administration $ 33,580.82 $ 33,580.82
Hurt, Joanne Academic Records Asst Inter Dbn School of Management $ 33,566.00 $ 33,566.00
Kerschbaum, Cynthia Lynn Academic Records Asst Assoc Law School $ 32,959.94 $ 32,959.94
Roullier, Claudia J Academic Records Asst Inter ROSS SCH Student Services $ 32,450.34 $ 32,450.34
Mayville, Marguerite Academic Records Asst Inter LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 31,952.18 $ 31,952.18
Haas, Karen A Academic Records Asst Inter ROSS SCH Student Services $ 31,910.06 $ 31,910.06
Brooks, Dianne Academic Records Asst Inter Admissions $ 31,816.46 $ 31,816.46
Leier, Michael A Academic Records Asst Inter School of Social Work $ 31,791.50 $ 31,791.50
Fedewa, Susan L Academic Records Asst Inter ROSS SCH Student Services $ 31,274.88 $ 31,274.88
Pisoni, Sharon A Academic Records Asst Inter LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 31,160.22 $ 31,160.22
Thomas, Laura A Academic Records Asst Inter School of Social Work $ 30,992.00 $ 15,496.00
Robinson, Alexis A Academic Records Asst Inter Registrar-s Office $ 30,900.22 $ 30,900.22
Sachs, Judith Ann Academic Records Asst Inter ROSS SCH Doctoral Programs $ 30,750.20 $ 30,750.20
Dewberry, Rebekah Sharon Academic Records Asst Inter Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 30,012.06 $ 30,012.06
Deyoung, Frances L Academic Records Asst Inter Dbn Col of Eng - Computer Sci. $ 29,825.12 $ 29,825.12
Harris, Shelly A Academic Records Asst Inter Dbn Col of Eng-Indust - Sys En $ 29,577.08 $ 29,577.08
Burger, Linda Joan Academic Records Asst Inter Division of Kinesiology $ 29,526.12 $ 14,763.06
Page: 1 of 2

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