List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Web App 17
Maximum Salary:$ 70,000.00
Average Salary:$ 54,426.02
Minimum Salary:$ 46,000.00

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Coffman, Steven Andrew Web Applications Developer LSA Development $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00
Sun, Tong Web Applications Developer CoE CAEN $ 61,980.00 $ 55,782.00
Soderbeck, Agnes R Web Applications Developer LSA Chemistry $ 56,667.22 $ 42,500.42
Ma, Zuoxia Web Applications Developer UMH PR - Mktg Communications $ 56,000.00 $ 0.00
Soderbeck, Agnes R Web Applications Developer LSA Mathematics $ 55,926.88 $ 13,981.72
Northway, William Martin Web Applications Developer ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 55,830.98 $ 55,830.98
McIntyre, Michael E Web Applications Developer Population Studies Center $ 55,607.00 $ 0.00
Asfaw-Kirby, Elias Web Applications Developer Michigan Marketing and Design $ 55,166.80 $ 0.00
Boyapati, Lahari Web Applications Developer LSA Development $ 55,000.00 $ 55,000.00
Chen, Wei Web Applications Developer UMH PR - Mktg Communications $ 55,000.00 $ 0.00
Paxton, Craig E Web Applications Developer UMH PR - Mktg Communications $ 55,000.00 $ 0.00
Richter, Richard J Web Applications Developer LSA Psychology $ 55,000.00 $ 55,000.00
Capps III, Rodney D Web Applications Developer Industrial Operations $ 50,503.87 $ 25,251.93
Fields, Joshua Matthew Web Applications Developer ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 48,000.16 $ 48,000.16
Mclennan, Lindsay Web Applications Developer Michigan Marketing and Design $ 47,256.40 $ 0.00
Yin, Guang Web Applications Developer UMH Amb Care-Infrastructure $ 46,302.96 $ 0.00
Labao, Ronald Isip Web Applications Developer Dbn Information Technology Svc $ 46,000.00 $ 46,000.00
Page: 1 of 1

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