List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Student Admin Asst s 132
Maximum Salary:$ 77,177.98
Average Salary:$ 51,351.97
Minimum Salary:$ 38,176.60

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Howe, Laura Student Admin Asst Sr Chemical Biology Program $ 77,177.98 $ 77,178.00
Esau, Jill M Student Admin Asst Sr SRC-Survey Methodology $ 75,750.13 $ 0.00
Philbin, Catherine W Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Organizational Studies $ 69,798.44 $ 55,838.80
Gramer, Peggy Jo Student Admin Asst Sr Nuclear Eng and Radiological Sci $ 68,126.00 $ 68,126.00
Dignan, Wendy J Student Admin Asst Sr Stamps School of Art and Design $ 67,360.81 $ 67,360.80
Freysinger, Dawn Student Admin Asst Sr EECS - CSE Division $ 66,850.00 $ 66,850.00
Crawford, Susan A Student Admin Asst Sr Environmental Health Sciences $ 65,882.00 $ 65,882.00
Hamlin, Susan E Student Admin Asst Sr Chemical Engineering Dept $ 65,048.00 $ 52,038.40
Clark, Lisa J Student Admin Asst Sr LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 64,324.00 $ 64,324.00
Teasdale, Katherine J Student Admin Asst Sr LSA English Language and Lit. $ 63,070.00 $ 63,070.00
Hudon, Anne S Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Earth and Environmental Sci. $ 62,031.75 $ 62,031.80
Noone, Warren J Student Admin Asst Sr Naval Arch and Marine Dept $ 61,779.00 $ 61,779.00
Mays, Clarita Student Admin Asst Sr School of Social Work $ 61,367.54 $ 30,683.80
Cormany, Jaclyn K Student Admin Asst Sr Hlth Behavior and Hlth Ed Dept $ 60,067.00 $ 60,067.00
Woodworth, Diana L Student Admin Asst Sr Sch of Nat Resources and Environ $ 59,898.56 $ 56,903.60
Sindlinger, Tammy L Student Admin Asst Sr Law School $ 58,413.00 $ 58,413.00
Huynh, Todd Dat Student Admin Asst Sr School of Social Work $ 58,108.02 $ 58,108.00
Guevara, Peggy Staple Student Admin Asst Sr Registrar-s Office $ 58,016.74 $ 58,016.70
Steele, Maria E Student Admin Asst Sr Biomedical Engineering $ 57,047.00 $ 57,047.00
Rose, Andria Jean Student Admin Asst Sr CoE Graduate Education $ 56,887.00 $ 42,665.30
Erdmann, Cheryl L Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Communication Studies $ 56,857.00 $ 56,857.00
Francis, Nancy Lynn-Hellner Student Admin Asst Sr Epidemiology Department $ 56,725.00 $ 45,380.00
McCullum, Carolyn M Student Admin Asst Sr LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 56,052.00 $ 56,052.00
Thompson, Heidi M Student Admin Asst Sr Microbiology and Immunology $ 56,018.55 $ 42,013.90
Hilgendorf, Renee Student Admin Asst Sr Materials Science and Engin. $ 55,900.00 $ 55,900.00
Grosky, Sara B Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Biophysics $ 55,532.00 $ 55,532.00
Randolph, Jessica Lynn Student Admin Asst Sr Civil and Environmental Engr $ 55,521.00 $ 55,521.00
Rayle, Linda R Student Admin Asst Sr SOE-CSHPE $ 55,137.00 $ 55,137.00
Cox, Angela Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Chemistry $ 55,102.50 $ 55,102.50
Niehaus-Fukuda, Melinda M Student Admin Asst Sr Health Management and Policy $ 55,010.00 $ 49,509.00
Page: 1 of 5

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