List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Student Admin Asst s 138
Maximum Salary:$ 72,100.06
Average Salary:$ 49,622.68
Minimum Salary:$ 38,000.04

2013-14 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Esau, Jill M Student Admin Asst Sr SRC-Survey Methodology $ 72,100.06 $ 0.00
Howe, Laura Student Admin Asst Sr Chemical Biology Program $ 71,355.38 $ 71,355.38
Philbin, Catherine W Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Organizational Studies $ 66,610.92 $ 53,288.74
Stalnaker, Marie E Student Admin Asst Sr COE EECS - ECE Division $ 64,985.00 $ 64,985.00
Gramer, Peggy Jo Student Admin Asst Sr Nuclear Eng & Radiological Sci $ 64,529.00 $ 64,529.00
Freysinger, Dawn Student Admin Asst Sr COE EECS - CSE Division $ 63,795.00 $ 63,795.00
Eussen, Julia Noelle Student Admin Asst Sr Bioinformatics $ 63,665.45 $ 52,205.61
Crawford, Susan A Student Admin Asst Sr Environmental Health Sciences $ 62,281.00 $ 62,281.00
Teasdale, Katherine J Student Admin Asst Sr LSA English Language & Lit. $ 60,870.12 $ 60,870.12
Hamlin, Susan E Student Admin Asst Sr Chemical Engineering Dept $ 59,677.00 $ 47,741.60
Braun, Mary A Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Economics $ 59,450.00 $ 59,450.00
Clark, Lisa J Student Admin Asst Sr LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 59,141.04 $ 59,141.04
Noone, Warren J Student Admin Asst Sr Naval Arch & Marine Dept $ 58,459.00 $ 58,459.00
Turanski, Rebecca H Student Admin Asst Sr COE EECS - ECE Division $ 58,450.00 $ 58,450.00
Hudon, Anne S Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Earth & Environmental Sci. $ 58,191.00 $ 58,191.00
Melis, Michelle S Student Admin Asst Sr PIBS $ 57,935.05 $ 0.00
Mays, Clarita Student Admin Asst Sr School of Social Work $ 57,844.80 $ 28,922.40
Woodworth, Diana L Student Admin Asst Sr Sch of Nat Resources & Environ $ 57,774.00 $ 54,885.30
Cormany, Jaclyn K Student Admin Asst Sr Hlth Behavior & Hlth Ed Dept $ 56,473.00 $ 56,473.00
Sindlinger, Tammy L Student Admin Asst Sr Law School $ 55,780.92 $ 55,781.00
Guevara, Peggy Staple Student Admin Asst Sr Registrar-s Office $ 55,764.02 $ 55,763.93
Hicks, Sandra L Student Admin Asst Sr Atm Oceanic & Space Sci. $ 55,715.00 $ 55,715.00
Hopper, Antoinette E Student Admin Asst Sr College of Pharmacy $ 55,532.40 $ 55,532.40
Chism, Brenda S Student Admin Asst Sr Medical Education $ 54,370.00 $ 0.00
Braun, Carrie L Student Admin Asst Sr Medical Education $ 54,370.00 $ 0.00
McCune, Sherry S Student Admin Asst Sr DENT Pre-Doctoral Studies $ 54,336.41 $ 54,336.41
Genoa, Marilyn J Student Admin Asst Sr Law School $ 54,264.00 $ 54,264.00
Erdmann, Cheryl L Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Communication Studies $ 54,206.88 $ 32,524.13
Steele, Maria E Student Admin Asst Sr Biomedical Engineering $ 54,034.00 $ 54,034.00
Rose, Andria Jean Student Admin Asst Sr CoE Graduate Education $ 53,905.00 $ 40,428.75
Page: 1 of 5

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