List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Student Admin 259
Maximum Salary:$ 77,862.00
Average Salary:$ 50,458.02
Minimum Salary:$ 32,000.02

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 6 of 9
Name Title Department FTR GF
Geske, Megan Student Admin Asst Inter CoE Eng Career Resource Center $ 48,410.00 $ 48,410.00
Heintz, Julie Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Economics $ 48,358.53 $ 48,359.02
Ortiz-Reyes, Mariella Student Admin Asst Inter SOE- Teacher Education $ 48,299.97 $ 48,299.97
Brummett, Jason Student Admin Asst Inter Rackham Adm - Acad Rec & Disst $ 48,257.19 $ 48,257.19
Bobowski, Robert Student Admin Asst Sr ROSS SCH Undergrad Programs $ 48,249.79 $ 24,124.96
Tobias, James Student Admin Asst Inter CoE Integrative Sys & Design $ 47,999.90 $ 48,000.00
Streit, Hillary Student Admin Asst Sr SEAS Student Center $ 47,999.90 $ 48,000.00
Pozza, Christopher Student Admin Asst Sr Program in the Environment $ 47,999.67 $ 47,999.67
Houle, Amelia Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Chemistry $ 47,894.96 $ 47,894.96
Romeo, Sara Johnson Student Admin Asst Inter LSA UG: MRADS $ 47,802.30 $ 47,802.00
Rose, Levi Student Admin Asst Inter SPHDO-Graduate Student Service $ 47,509.00 $ 47,509.00
Osborn, Alison Student Admin Asst Sr School of Social Work $ 47,380.00 $ 47,380.00
Kotrys, Susan Student Admin Asst Sr Registrar's Office $ 47,087.85 $ 47,087.89
Miller, Claire De Witt Student Admin Asst Sr Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 47,025.00 $ 23,512.50
Chelberg, Rebecca Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Statistics $ 46,999.94 $ 47,000.00
Crawford, Kathryn Student Admin Asst Inter Civil & Environmental Engr $ 46,999.94 $ 47,000.00
McBride, Amanda Student Admin Asst Sr Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 46,999.94 $ 47,000.00
Deneau, Crista Student Admin Asst Sr ROSS SCH Undergrad Programs $ 46,980.96 $ 46,980.92
Bae, Nuri Student Admin Asst Inter School of Information $ 46,920.00 $ 23,460.00
Berger, Marion Grace-Crowley Student Admin Asst Sr LSA UG: Residential College $ 46,908.39 $ 46,908.12
Ford, Terri B Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 46,900.09 $ 46,900.06
Gorham, Bettie C Student Admin Asst Inter Registrar's Office $ 46,226.40 $ 46,226.40
Pavuk, Kimberly A Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 45,937.88 $ 45,937.88
Shock, Lynn M Student Admin Asst Inter LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 45,797.02 $ 45,797.12
Schuh, Raymond Student Admin Asst Inter ROSS SCH Registrar's Office $ 45,523.86 $ 45,523.90
Rumsey, Kara Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 45,500.00 $ 22,750.00
Archibald, Kelsi Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Mathematics $ 45,484.76 $ 45,484.96
Mintz, Barbara Student Admin Asst Assoc Chemical Engineering Dept $ 45,414.00 $ 22,707.00
Heinen, Mary Student Admin Asst Sr LSA UG: Residential College $ 45,412.73 $ 45,413.02
Kandell-Gritzmaker, Sarah Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Classical Studies $ 45,400.41 $ 45,400.06
Page: 6 of 9

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