List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Student Admin 206
Maximum Salary:$ 72,999.94
Average Salary:$ 41,536.72
Minimum Salary:$ 26,000.00

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 7
Name Title Department FTR GF
Genoa, Marilyn J Student Admin Asst Sr Law School $ 48,670.96 $ 48,670.96
Hopper, Antoinette E Student Admin Asst Sr Graduate School Administration $ 48,440.34 $ 48,440.34
Peterson, Renee R Student Admin Asst Sr Ross SCH Student Affairs $ 48,409.92 $ 24,204.96
McCullum, Carolyn M Student Admin Asst Sr LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 48,375.08 $ 48,375.08
Rose, Andria Jean Student Admin Asst Sr CoE Graduate Education $ 48,208.94 $ 24,104.60
Wilson, Linda Rae Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Political Science $ 48,000.16 $ 48,000.16
Steele, Maria E Student Admin Asst Sr Biomedical Engineering $ 47,880.00 $ 47,880.04
Kivisto, Lili Marie Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Political Science $ 47,704.02 $ 47,704.02
Rayle, Linda R Student Admin Asst Sr SOE-CSHPE $ 47,544.12 $ 47,544.12
Feldkamp, Gertrude A Student Admin Asst Sr Law School $ 47,295.82 $ 47,295.82
Cihak, Anna Leah Student Admin Asst Sr COE EECS - CSE Division $ 47,252.00 $ 47,251.88
Spencer, Shannon M Student Admin Asst Sr COE EECS - ECE Division $ 47,250.00 $ 47,250.06
Sindlinger, Tammy L Student Admin Asst Sr Law School $ 47,173.88 $ 47,173.88
Huynh, Todd Dat Student Admin Asst Sr School of Social Work $ 47,017.10 $ 47,017.10
Hilgendorf, Renee Student Admin Asst Sr Materials Science and Engin. $ 46,875.00 $ 46,874.88
Herman, Claire Simone Student Admin Asst Sr Cellular and Molecular Biology $ 46,865.00 $ 42,178.50
Keeping, Gayle E Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 46,666.62 $ 41,999.88
Hartranft, Deborah Murphy Student Admin Asst Sr Law School $ 46,554.04 $ 46,554.04
Shimones, Stacey M Student Admin Asst Inter Urban Planning $ 46,397.52 $ 46,397.52
Vegter, Katrina J Student Admin Asst Sr Ross SCH Student Affairs $ 46,349.94 $ 46,349.94
Pariano, Elizabeth Helen Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 46,349.94 $ 32,444.88
Frye, Karen A Student Admin Asst Inter School of Music $ 46,346.30 $ 46,346.30
Hudon, Anne S Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Geological Sciences $ 46,190.04 $ 46,190.04
Bishop, Amy L Student Admin Asst Sr Law School $ 45,978.92 $ 45,978.92
Guevara, Mark R Student Admin Asst Sr LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 45,600.10 $ 45,600.10
Brichta, Rachel Elizabeth Student Admin Asst Sr LSA II:International Institute $ 45,570.98 $ 22,785.49
Hauser, Lisa K Student Admin Asst Inter Coll of Arch and Urban Planning $ 45,552.00 $ 45,552.00
O'Kray, Patricia L Student Admin Asst Sr Health Management and Policy $ 45,475.04 $ 45,475.04
Dodge, Lisa D Student Admin Asst Sr Periodontics and Oral Medicine $ 45,189.04 $ 45,189.04
Moore, Marlene Student Admin Asst Sr LSA American Culture $ 45,175.00 $ 45,175.00
Page: 2 of 7

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