List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Student Admin 291
Maximum Salary:$ 85,667.68
Average Salary:$ 48,361.21
Minimum Salary:$ 31,260.08

2017-18 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 10
Name Title Department FTR GF
Bishar, Kathy L Student Admin Asst Sr CoE Integrative Sys & Design $ 54,926.00 $ 54,926.00
Clayton, Teresa A Student Admin Asst Inter COE EECS - ECE Division $ 54,900.00 $ 48,037.50
Coley, Sheila Student Admin Asst Sr LSA History $ 54,652.00 $ 54,652.00
Cicero, Saroya Louise Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Psychology $ 54,590.00 $ 54,590.00
Sanford, Tina M Student Admin Asst Sr SOE-Educational Studies $ 54,570.88 $ 54,570.88
Moore, Carrie Jane Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Screen Arts & Cultures $ 54,500.00 $ 54,500.00
Rosenberg, Sofia Student Admin Asst Sr LSA International Institute $ 54,468.00 $ 54,468.00
Durgy, Carole Student Admin Asst Sr Nutritional Sciences $ 54,378.00 $ 32,626.80
Bishop, Amy L Student Admin Asst Sr CoE Office of Student Affairs $ 54,283.00 $ 54,283.00
Van Heest, Carissa Marie Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 54,110.00 $ 54,110.00
Carr, Gail E Student Admin Asst Sr CoE Integrative Sys & Design $ 54,105.00 $ 54,105.00
Nguyen, Jennifer Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Linguistics $ 53,686.00 $ 53,686.00
Pytlinski, Sandra H Student Admin Asst Sr COE Climate & Space $ 53,669.00 $ 53,669.00
Oxford, Ashley Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Chemistry $ 53,635.00 $ 53,635.00
Marshall, Shannon M Student Admin Asst Sr MICHR - Operations $ 53,554.51 $ 0.00
Eaton, Amy Beth-Jin Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Communication Studies $ 53,437.00 $ 53,437.00
Mustata, Olga Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Economics $ 53,360.00 $ 53,360.00
Biggs, Michelle M Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Classical Studies $ 53,310.00 $ 53,310.00
Carr, Mary M Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 53,300.00 $ 53,300.00
Berger, Carrie Lynn Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 53,288.00 $ 53,288.00
Beall, Kari Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Anthropology $ 53,000.00 $ 53,000.00
Benadom, Gregory A Student Admin Asst Sr LSA International Institute $ 52,482.00 $ 26,241.00
Flynn, Rebecca S Student Admin Asst Sr DENT Pre-Doctoral Studies $ 52,398.49 $ 41,918.74
Knox, Charmise Student Admin Asst Sr LSA UG: UROP $ 52,368.00 $ 46,555.15
Chateau, Elaine Margaret Student Admin Asst Sr College of Pharmacy $ 52,335.00 $ 52,335.00
Harbach, Rachel Anne Student Admin Asst Sr Neuroscience Graduate Program $ 52,166.31 $ 0.00
Kennedy, Tamara Mida Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Sociology $ 52,152.00 $ 52,152.00
Griffith, Christina Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Psychology $ 52,140.00 $ 52,140.00
McKee, Jean Louise Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Philosophy $ 51,950.00 $ 51,950.00
Catey, Jennifer Student Admin Asst Sr LSA English Language & Lit. $ 51,911.00 $ 51,911.00
Page: 3 of 10

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