2022-23 University of Michigan Salaries | Page 2 of 9 |
Name |
Title |
Department |
GF |
Rose, Andria Jean |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
CoE AssocDean Graduate Educati |
$ 68,045.00 |
$ 51,033.75 |
Sindlinger, Tammy L |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
Law School |
$ 67,893.24 |
$ 67,893.24 |
Cox, Angela |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA Chemistry |
$ 67,828.00 |
$ 67,828.00 |
Vyas, Punam N |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
Elec Engr & Comp Sci |
$ 67,085.00 |
$ 57,022.25 |
Bishar, Kathy L |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
CoE Integrative Sys & Design |
$ 66,209.00 |
$ 66,209.00 |
Nelson, Melinda Monro |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA Anthropology |
$ 65,442.00 |
$ 65,442.00 |
Zawistowski, Judith K |
Student Admin Asst Inter |
Registrar's Office |
$ 65,158.18 |
$ 65,158.18 |
Grosky, Sara B |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA Biophysics |
$ 64,975.00 |
$ 64,975.00 |
Johnson, Heather M |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA International Institute |
$ 64,662.22 |
$ 32,331.11 |
Moore, Carrie Jane |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA FilmTelevisionand Media |
$ 64,501.04 |
$ 64,501.04 |
Durgy, Carole |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
Nutritional Sciences |
$ 64,480.00 |
$ 51,584.00 |
Edmund, Denise Suzanne Larabell |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
CoE Robotics |
$ 64,179.00 |
$ 51,343.20 |
Graves, Folake O |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
MM Molec & Integratv Physiolog |
$ 63,848.14 |
$ 63,848.39 |
Stirrup, Deborah K |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
Rackham Adm Acad Rec & Disst |
$ 63,763.20 |
$ 63,763.20 |
Schneider, Elisabeth A |
Student Admin Asst Inter |
SRC-Survey Methodology |
$ 63,589.60 |
$ 0.00 |
Zwinak, Alexander |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA Kelsey Museum of Arch |
$ 63,511.00 |
$ 63,511.00 |
Griffith, Christina |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA International Institute |
$ 63,364.00 |
$ 63,364.00 |
Coley, Sheila |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA History |
$ 63,324.00 |
$ 63,324.00 |
Daniels, Charlita |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
Health Management and Policy |
$ 63,249.00 |
$ 63,249.00 |
Thornton, Kristen |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
COE EECS - ECE Division |
$ 63,000.00 |
$ 63,000.00 |
Cornacchia, Gina Lynn |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA Statistics |
$ 62,683.00 |
$ 62,683.00 |
Van Heest, Carissa Marie |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA Romance Languages & Lit. |
$ 62,681.23 |
$ 62,681.23 |
Nedjari, Fatma-Zohra |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
Biostatistics Department |
$ 62,053.00 |
$ 60,501.68 |
Sherry, Rose |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
EECS - CSE Division |
$ 61,655.00 |
$ 61,655.00 |
Dodge, Lisa D |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
DENT Periodontics and Oral Med |
$ 61,515.63 |
$ 61,515.63 |
Mustata, Olga |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA Economics |
$ 61,191.19 |
$ 61,191.19 |
Certo, Johanna |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA Mathematics |
$ 60,871.24 |
$ 60,871.24 |
Howe, Laura |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA Economics |
$ 60,499.92 |
$ 60,500.00 |
Berger, Carrie Lynn |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA Romance Languages & Lit. |
$ 60,498.27 |
$ 60,498.27 |
Rosenberg, Sofia |
Student Admin Asst Sr |
LSA Communication and Media |
$ 60,435.88 |
$ 60,435.88 |
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