List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Student Admin 177
Maximum Salary:$ 84,935.00
Average Salary:$ 39,624.02
Minimum Salary:$ 25,602.98

2005-06 University of Michigan SalariesPage 5 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Evaldson, Kathy Ann Student Admin Asst Sr LSA History $ 35,711.26 $ 24,997.88
Phelps, Denise D Student Admin Asst Sr Aerospace Engineering $ 35,701.12 $ 35,701.12
Ortiz, Albert M Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Mathematics $ 35,683.96 $ 35,683.96
Irelan, Matthew Freeman Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Classical Studies $ 35,499.88 $ 35,499.88
Seauvageau, Rebecca J Student Admin Asst Inter Theatre and Drama $ 35,473.62 $ 35,473.62
Campbell, Bonnie Lois Student Admin Asst Assoc LSA English Language - Lit. $ 35,120.02 $ 35,120.02
Hyde, Judith E Student Admin Asst Inter Materials Science - Engin. $ 35,079.98 $ 35,079.98
Gebhart, Mark Student Admin Asst Assoc Law School $ 35,055.80 $ 35,055.84
Nedjari, Fatma-Zohra Student Admin Asst Inter LSA II: International Programs $ 35,014.98 $ 35,014.98
Steinhauer, Kelly L Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Romance Languages - Lit. $ 34,999.90 $ 35,000.00
Suttor, Sylvia Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Linguistics $ 34,856.12 $ 34,856.12
Carter, Melissa C Student Admin Asst Inter LSA UG: Student Acad. Affairs $ 34,700.12 $ 34,700.12
Jessee, Shanna R Student Admin Asst Sr Naval Arch - Marine Dept $ 34,674.90 $ 34,674.90
Dolanski, Kimberley Jo Student Admin Asst Inter School of Music $ 34,669.96 $ 34,669.96
Flynn, Rebecca S Student Admin Asst Inter Pre-Doctoral Studies-Dentistry $ 34,510.06 $ 20,706.14
Weiss, Linda S Student Admin Asst Assoc LSA American Culture $ 34,394.10 $ 34,394.10
Mahler, Michele D Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Judaic Studies $ 34,171.02 $ 0.00
Reardon, Tracy L Student Admin Asst Inter Elec Engr - Comp Sci $ 34,006.96 $ 34,006.96
Coley, Sheila R Student Admin Asst Inter LSA History $ 34,000.46 $ 34,000.46
Garner-Jones, Danielle M Student Admin Asst Assoc School of Nursing $ 33,496.84 $ 33,496.84
Chut, So-Sai Student Admin Asst Assoc School of Nursing $ 33,477.08 $ 33,477.08
Lemarbe, Andrew Perry Student Admin Asst Inter Undergraduate Education $ 33,111.00 $ 33,111.00
Bosch, Gigi K Student Admin Asst Sr LSA II: SE Asian Studies $ 33,049.90 $ 8,262.54
Gregory, Patricia Ann Student Admin Asst Assoc SRC-Survey Methodology $ 32,999.98 $ 0.00
Perkins, Roderick D Student Admin Asst Assoc SRC-Survey Methodology $ 32,999.98 $ 0.00
Dore, Darci J Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 32,999.98 $ 33,000.00
Jones, Dwana L Student Admin Asst Inter Office of New Student Programs $ 32,959.94 $ 32,959.94
Knox, Charmise Student Admin Asst Inter LSA UG: UROP $ 32,500.00 $ 32,500.00
Hamza, Lara Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Comparative Literature $ 32,500.00 $ 19,500.00
Wright, Cornelius Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Asian Languages - Cultures $ 32,321.12 $ 32,321.12
Page: 5 of 6

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