List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Student Admin 268
Maximum Salary:$ 82,561.00
Average Salary:$ 46,585.22
Minimum Salary:$ 26,000.04

2014-15 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 9
Name Title Department FTR GF
Zwinak, Alexander Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Kelsey Museum/Archaeology $ 52,064.00 $ 52,064.00
Dodge, Lisa D Student Admin Asst Sr DENT Periodontics and Oral Med $ 52,031.43 $ 52,031.43
Nelson, Melinda Monro Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Anthropology $ 52,010.00 $ 52,010.00
Pejuan, Steven Student Admin Asst Sr COE EECS - ECE Division $ 52,000.00 $ 52,000.00
Lenaway, Catherine M Student Admin Asst Sr COE EECS - ECE Division $ 52,000.00 $ 52,000.00
Blank, Matthew Thomas Student Admin Asst Sr Civil and Environmental Engr $ 51,984.00 $ 51,984.00
Cornacchia, Gina Lynn Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Statistics $ 51,888.00 $ 51,888.00
Moore, Marlene Student Admin Asst Sr LSA American Culture $ 51,625.00 $ 51,625.00
Sanford, Tina M Student Admin Asst Sr SOE-Educational Studies $ 51,553.00 $ 51,553.00
Daniels, Charlita Student Admin Asst Sr Health Management and Policy $ 51,305.00 $ 51,305.00
Gregerson, Kari A Student Admin Asst Sr DENT Academic Affairs $ 51,237.05 $ 51,237.05
Nedjari, Fatma-Zohra Student Admin Asst Sr Biostatistics Department $ 51,076.00 $ 48,522.20
Graves, Folake O Student Admin Asst Sr LSA International Institute $ 51,024.00 $ 38,268.00
Phelps, Denise D Student Admin Asst Sr Aerospace Engineering $ 50,810.00 $ 50,810.00
Sansoterra, Sharon Louise Student Admin Asst Sr CoE Undergraduate Education $ 50,295.00 $ 50,295.00
Bazuin, Sally Ann Musselman Student Admin Asst Sr Epidemiology Department $ 50,225.00 $ 50,225.00
Johnson, Heather M Student Admin Asst Sr LSA International Institute $ 50,202.00 $ 25,101.00
Bishop, Amy L Student Admin Asst Sr CoE Office of Student Affairs $ 50,040.00 $ 50,040.00
Oxford, Ashley Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Chemistry $ 50,000.08 $ 50,000.00
Rosenberg, Sofia Student Admin Asst Sr LSA International Institute $ 49,978.00 $ 49,978.00
Carr, Mary M Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 49,922.00 $ 49,922.00
Altman, Justine Student Admin Asst Inter LSA Mathematics $ 49,850.00 $ 47,357.50
Fiveland, Nathalie Student Admin Asst Sr Naval Arch and Marine Dept $ 49,787.00 $ 49,787.00
Bishar, Kathy L Student Admin Asst Sr CoE Integrative Sys and Design $ 49,710.00 $ 49,710.00
Hill-Cronin, Romy Student Admin Asst Sr Stamps School of Art and Design $ 49,627.40 $ 49,627.40
Shultes, Linda L Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Philosophy $ 49,428.00 $ 49,428.00
Coley, Sheila Student Admin Asst Sr LSA History $ 49,410.00 $ 49,410.00
Eaton, Amy Beth-Jin Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Communication Studies $ 49,252.00 $ 49,252.00
Benadom, Gregory A Student Admin Asst Sr LSA International Institute $ 49,074.00 $ 24,537.00
Mustata, Olga Student Admin Asst Sr LSA Economics $ 49,030.00 $ 49,030.00
Page: 3 of 9

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