List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Steward 21
Maximum Salary:$ 76,000.00
Average Salary:$ 57,569.23
Minimum Salary:$ 38,000.00

2013-14 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Drew, Mary Anne F Stewardship Officer Senior A. Alfred Taubman CA&UP Adm $ 76,000.00 $ 43,320.00
Morin, Patricia Lee Stewardship Officer Senior UMHS Dev. - Operations $ 71,501.32 $ 0.00
Soja, Susan E Stewardship Officer Senior UMHS Dev. - Major Gifts $ 70,905.60 $ 0.00
Morris, Dorian Leigh Stewardship Officer Senior UMHS Dev - Major Gifts $ 70,485.54 $ 0.00
Haffey, Linda Ann Stewardship Officer Senior UMHS Dev - Major Gifts $ 63,395.00 $ 0.00
Wadding, Robin Lynn Stewardship Officer Senior LSA Development $ 62,398.00 $ 62,398.00
Christofferson, Julie M Stewardship Officer Senior CoE - Office of Advancement $ 61,500.00 $ 61,500.00
Maloney, Angela S Stewardship Officer Inter UMHS Dev. - Major Gifts $ 61,053.48 $ 0.00
Holland, Nancy Stewardship Officer Senior UMHS Dev. - Principal Gifts $ 61,000.00 $ 0.00
Moody-Novak, Jeannie Stewardship Officer Senior OUD Stewardship & Donor Rels. $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Oonk, Angela Stewardship Officer Senior OUD Stewardship & Donor Rels. $ 60,000.00 $ 0.00
Thomas, Laura Stewardship Officer Inter UMHS Development Admin $ 58,000.00 $ 0.00
Leslie, Linda S Stewardship Officer Senior School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 57,315.00 $ 57,315.00
Haddad, Alexandra Marie Stewardship Officer Inter Law School $ 55,179.00 $ 55,179.00
Minor, Michelle Stewardship Officer Inter UMHS Dev. - Major Gifts $ 51,283.80 $ 0.00
Paspal, Sarah Stewardship Officer Associate Office of Student Publications $ 50,000.08 $ 0.00
Passink, Scott Sarvis Stewardship Officer Inter UMHS Dev - Major Gifts $ 48,844.83 $ 0.00
Pelak, Emily C Stewardship Officer Inter UMHS Dev - Major Gifts $ 45,556.06 $ 0.00
Leka, Ilma Stewardship Officer Associate LSA Development $ 45,000.02 $ 45,000.00
Schwankl, Paul Stewardship Officer Associate Law School $ 41,536.00 $ 41,536.00
Wottreng, Stephanie Stewardship Officer Inter OUD Stewardship & Donor Rels. $ 38,000.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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