List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep 202
Maximum Salary:$ 82,315.69
Average Salary:$ 50,514.66
Minimum Salary:$ 39,846.50

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 7
Name Title Department FTR GF
Rasmussen, Janice Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth Health Svc General Operations $ 82,315.69 $ 0.00
Green, Annette Kay Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,028.87 $ 0.00
Jockwig-Kehrer, Laurie J Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,028.87 $ 0.00
Tackett, Heather L Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,028.87 $ 0.00
Vosmik, Denise Rene' Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,028.60 $ 0.00
Paris-Brooks, Felicia Annette Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,028.60 $ 0.00
Schauer, Jill A Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,028.33 $ 0.00
Carroll, Sally Ann Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,028.33 $ 0.00
Meingasner, Carole J Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,028.33 $ 0.00
Montague, Michelle Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,028.06 $ 0.00
Caswell, Carol C Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,027.51 $ 0.00
Peters, Diane M Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,026.97 $ 0.00
Robinson, Michelle A Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,025.88 $ 0.00
Jerichow, Dawn Marie Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,025.88 $ 0.00
Daugherty, Douglas S Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,025.61 $ 0.00
Stocks, Gloria A Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,024.52 $ 0.00
Strachan, Shirley K Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,024.52 $ 0.00
Karnopp, Lori J Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,024.52 $ 0.00
Bonilla, Evelyn Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,024.52 $ 0.00
Martin, Diane M Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,024.25 $ 0.00
Redis, Lucia D Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 58,023.98 $ 0.00
Sieczkowski, Catherine M Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 57,861.23 $ 0.00
Roland, Maureen E Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 57,148.83 $ 0.00
Wilcox, Samantha Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 56,683.90 $ 0.00
Lewsley, Jamie L Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 56,640.00 $ 0.00
Goble, Jennifer Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 56,640.00 $ 0.00
Kouba, Marcia A Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Orthotics&Prosthetics Ctr $ 56,640.00 $ 0.00
Mullinax, Rosie Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 56,640.00 $ 0.00
Edwards, Rhonda L Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 56,640.00 $ 0.00
Miller, Mary A Sr Bill Clk/Pat Acct Rep Hlth MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 56,640.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 7

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