List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Secretary Senior 168
Maximum Salary:$ 49,950.16
Average Salary:$ 36,790.50
Minimum Salary:$ 21,115.12

2005-06 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 6
Name Title Department FTR GF
Klumpp, Barbara A Secretary Senior LSA Ecology - Evolutionary Bio $ 35,999.86 $ 35,999.86
Falkowski, Brenda J Secretary Senior Law School $ 35,909.64 $ 35,909.64
Karner, Melanie A Secretary Senior LSA UG: Residential College $ 35,770.28 $ 35,770.28
Bedore, Judy J Secretary Senior Flint Economics $ 35,722.44 $ 35,722.44
Alperovitz, Betty J Secretary Senior CoE Interdisc Prof Program $ 35,643.92 $ 35,643.92
Ely, Brenda K Secretary Senior SOE-Educational Studies $ 35,601.28 $ 0.00
Harlow, Laura Helen Secretary Senior Law School $ 35,496.76 $ 35,496.76
Pipkin, Debra Kaye Secretary Senior DPS Fire Safety $ 35,434.88 $ 35,434.77
McEwan, Theresa A Secretary Senior Administrative Services Bureau $ 35,425.52 $ 35,425.64
Oishi, Howard Secretary Senior Prgm Study of Complex Systems $ 35,415.12 $ 26,561.34
Stoehr, Annette Secretary Senior LSA II:International Institute $ 35,375.08 $ 35,375.08
Wielfaert, Linda K Secretary Senior Law School $ 35,263.28 $ 35,263.28
Bishar, Kathy L Secretary Senior CoE Interdisc Prof Program $ 35,201.92 $ 33,441.82
Rushlow, Karen E Secretary Senior Law School $ 35,189.70 $ 35,189.70
Fath, Reynetta L Secretary Senior Epidemiology Department $ 35,174.10 $ 0.00
Clark-Reed, Tammy Secretary Senior College of Pharmacy $ 35,084.92 $ 35,084.92
Kennedy, Janice M Secretary Senior Sch of Public Hlth-Dean-s Ofc $ 34,999.90 $ 0.00
Keswick, Kelly Secretary Senior School of Social Work $ 34,999.90 $ 0.00
Shanteau, Jennifer Marie Secretary Senior Law School $ 34,999.90 $ 35,000.00
Brummett, Joann Secretary Senior Building Services Department $ 34,680.10 $ 0.00
Nichols, Julia R Secretary Senior Library Acquisitions - Serials $ 34,665.02 $ 34,665.02
Bialoblocki, Virginia Secretary Senior University Housing $ 34,580.00 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Tonya I Secretary Senior Relations $ 34,499.92 $ 34,500.00
Reese, Joyce E Secretary Senior Library Monographs - Catalog $ 34,321.04 $ 34,321.04
James, Stephanie M E Secretary Senior Athletics $ 34,278.14 $ 0.00
Pritula, Karen I Secretary Senior Law School $ 34,224.06 $ 34,224.06
Chateau-Lang, Elaine M Secretary Senior College of Pharmacy $ 34,223.02 $ 34,223.02
Grant, Marlese E Secretary Senior School of Nursing $ 34,169.98 $ 34,169.98
Klocinski, Margaret Ann Secretary Senior Law School $ 33,999.94 $ 34,000.00
Walsh, Rebecca K Secretary Senior School of Social Work $ 33,999.94 $ 34,000.00
Page: 4 of 6

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