List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: SR ASSOC LIBR 54
Maximum Salary:$ 89,365.33
Average Salary:$ 65,375.97
Minimum Salary:$ 50,003.21

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Wilhelme, Judith J SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library Technical Services $ 89,365.33 $ 67,024.00
Alexander, Laurie Ann SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library Administration $ 82,400.00 $ 82,400.00
Avery, Judith C SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Graduate Library $ 81,213.00 $ 81,213.00
Brown, Kincaid Christopher SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Law Library $ 81,194.40 $ 81,194.40
Selby, Jennifer Loope SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Law Library $ 79,272.90 $ 79,272.90
Varnum, Kenneth James SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library Info Tech - General $ 77,250.00 $ 77,250.00
Lin, Mei-Ying SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Asia Library $ 76,867.00 $ 76,867.00
Grygotis, Julie C SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library Technical Services $ 76,389.33 $ 57,292.00
Weise, John Patrick SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Digital Library Production Svc $ 74,582.00 $ 74,582.00
Shipman, Barbara L SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Health Sciences Library $ 74,406.67 $ 55,805.00
Hollar, Susan Mary SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library PS General $ 72,848.75 $ 58,279.00
Knott, Martin Lovell SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library Technical Services $ 70,967.00 $ 70,967.00
Vigilanti, Mary B SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Law Library $ 70,552.56 $ 70,552.56
Creech, Michael Scott SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library PS General $ 70,040.00 $ 70,040.00
Folger, Kathleen M SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library Administration $ 66,675.00 $ 66,675.00
Mbabu, Loyd Gitari SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Graduate Library $ 66,675.00 $ 66,675.00
Sutch, Laurie Ann SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library Faculty Exploratory $ 66,590.00 $ 66,590.00
Sung, Yunah SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Asia Library $ 66,080.00 $ 66,080.00
Wolfe, Charlotte A SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library Technical Services $ 66,016.00 $ 66,016.00
Gertel, Elliot H SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Graduate Library Area Programs $ 65,781.00 $ 23,023.35
Beaton, Barbara E SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library Administration $ 65,662.00 $ 32,831.00
Schaffner, Paul Frederick SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Digital Library Production Svc $ 65,625.00 $ 16,406.25
Carter, David S SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Art Arch and Engin Library $ 65,609.00 $ 65,609.00
Green, Jennifer Ann SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Spatial/Numeric Data Svcs $ 65,564.00 $ 65,564.00
Haines, Annette L SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Art Arch and Engin Library $ 65,365.00 $ 65,365.00
Reynolds, Charles A SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Music Library $ 65,316.00 $ 65,316.00
Hart, David J SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Flint Library $ 64,124.61 $ 64,124.61
Levine, Melissa Smith SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Library PS General $ 64,000.00 $ 64,000.00
Martin, Patricia Wil SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Health Sciences Library $ 63,898.75 $ 41,534.19
Dennis, Scott L SR ASSOC LIBRARIAN Graduate Library $ 63,433.00 $ 63,433.00
Page: 1 of 2

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