List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Research S 59
Maximum Salary:$ 236,497.53
Average Salary:$ 128,039.16
Minimum Salary:$ 68,772.00

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Miller, Jon D RESEARCH SCIENTIST CPS- Ctr for Political Studies $ 236,497.53 $ 0.00
Heeringa, Steven G RESEARCH SCIENTIST SRC-Survey Methodology $ 228,536.00 $ 0.00
Ofstedal, Mary Beth RESEARCH SCIENTIST SRC-Hrs $ 184,537.00 $ 0.00
McGonagle, Katherine A RESEARCH SCIENTIST SRC-Psid $ 182,107.00 $ 0.00
Savolainen, Jukka RESEARCH SCIENTIST ICPSR-Archival Development $ 180,000.00 $ 0.00
Woodrooffe, John RESEARCH SCIENTIST UMTRI-Vehicle Safety Analysis $ 171,033.00 $ 0.00
Fahnenstiel, Gary RESEARCH SCIENTIST Graham Sustainability Inst. $ 168,346.00 $ 67,338.00
Sayer, James R RESEARCH SCIENTIST UMTRI-Human Factors $ 167,733.00 $ 0.00
Howell, David Anthony Research Senior Supervisor CPS- Ctr for Political Studies $ 164,404.69 $ 0.00
McNally, Patrick Research Senior Supervisor Space Physics Research Lab $ 155,000.00 $ 155,000.00
Lyzenga, David R RESEARCH SCIENTIST Naval Arch and Marine Dept $ 150,785.00 $ 0.00
Reuss, David L RESEARCH SCIENTIST Mechanical Engineering $ 144,347.00 $ 0.00
Fryxell, Bruce A RESEARCH SCIENTIST Atm Oceanic and Space Sci. $ 143,067.00 $ 71,533.50
Gillespie, Brenda Wilson RESEARCH SCIENTIST Ctr Statistical Consul and Res $ 141,160.00 $ 5,999.30
Liepa, Valdis V RESEARCH SCIENTIST COE EECS - ECE Division $ 140,600.00 $ 0.00
Sokolov, Igor V RESEARCH SCIENTIST COE Climate and Space $ 139,824.00 $ 0.00
Kim, Hyungjin Myra RESEARCH SCIENTIST Ctr Statistical Consul and Res $ 139,453.00 $ 5,578.10
Nori, Franco M RESEARCH SCIENTIST LSA Physics $ 136,720.00 $ 6,836.00
Kostyniuk, Lidia P RESEARCH SCIENTIST UMTRI-Behavioral Sciences $ 136,213.00 $ 0.00
Lavoie, George A RESEARCH SCIENTIST Mechanical Engineering $ 135,924.00 $ 0.00
Linden, Ariel RESEARCH SCIENTIST Int Med-General Medicine $ 135,000.00 $ 0.00
Nalepa, Thomas F RESEARCH SCIENTIST Graham Sustainability Inst. $ 134,676.00 $ 67,338.00
Schwab, David John RESEARCH SCIENTIST Graham Sustainability Inst. $ 134,676.00 $ 0.00
Landi, Enrico RESEARCH SCIENTIST COE Climate and Space $ 130,622.00 $ 0.00
Bohac, Stani V RESEARCH SCIENTIST Mechanical Engineering $ 129,549.00 $ 0.00
Dilworth, David Research Senior Supervisor Comp Med and Bioinformatics $ 127,032.84 $ 0.00
Beletsky, Dmitry RESEARCH SCIENTIST SNRE CILER $ 126,596.09 $ 12,662.10
Kaciroti, Niko RESEARCH SCIENTIST Center for Human Growth and Dev $ 126,503.00 $ 11,385.30
Adams, David Jerome Research Senior Supervisor BRCF Flow Cytometry Core $ 126,431.53 $ 0.00
Madamanchi, Nageswara Research Senior Supervisor Int Med-Cardiology $ 125,000.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 2

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