List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Research Compliance Spec 68
Maximum Salary:$ 89,933.40
Average Salary:$ 62,489.10
Minimum Salary:$ 44,304.89

2020-21 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
DeBrooke, Deborah Research Compliance Spec Assoc Clinical Research Billing Unit $ 48,892.51 $ 0.00
Oconor, Ellen Research Compliance Spec Assoc Institutional Review Board $ 48,877.42 $ 0.00
Massey, Justin Research Compliance Spec Assoc Institutional Review Board $ 48,743.65 $ 0.00
Munasinghe, Sadeepa Research Compliance Spec Assoc Clinical Research Billing Unit $ 48,564.46 $ 0.00
Wilkerson, Rojah Research Compliance Spec Assoc UMOR Off Rsrch Ethics&Complnce $ 47,999.90 $ 48,000.00
Banks, Dana Research Compliance Spec Assoc Institutional Review Board $ 47,469.94 $ 0.00
Blount, Erica Research Compliance Spec Assoc Institutional Review Board $ 46,305.02 $ 0.00
Cooper, Lori Research Compliance Spec Assoc Institutional Review Board $ 44,304.89 $ 0.00
Page: 3 of 3

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