List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Research 3633
Maximum Salary:$ 424,709.47
Average Salary:$ 62,029.65
Minimum Salary:$ 16,344.00

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 56 of 122
Name Title Department FTR GF
Chowdhury, Mahboob Research Lab Specialist Inter Int Med-Nephrology $ 53,003.66 $ 0.00
Cherney, Michael Research Area Specialist Assoc LSA UG: Museum of Nat History $ 53,000.00 $ 53,000.00
Hart, Stephanie Research Area Specialist Assoc Population Studies Center $ 53,000.00 $ 0.00
Bredfeldt, Jeremy RESEARCH FELLOW Radiation Oncology - Physics $ 53,000.00 $ 0.00
Gagliano, Sarah RESEARCH FELLOW Biostatistics Department $ 53,000.00 $ 0.00
Gayen, Srimonta RESEARCH FELLOW Human Genetics Department $ 53,000.00 $ 0.00
von May, Rudolf Josef RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 53,000.00 $ 0.00
Pitchiaya, Sethuramasundaram RESEARCH FELLOW Ctr fr Translational Pathology $ 53,000.00 $ 0.00
Rosen, Benjamin Saul RESEARCH FELLOW Radiation Oncology - Physics $ 53,000.00 $ 0.00
Wood, Kevin RESEARCH FELLOW Mechanical Engineering $ 53,000.00 $ 2,650.00
Kaltsas, Elena Research Area Specialist Inter Hlth Behavior & Hlth Ed Dept $ 52,998.00 $ 0.00
Phillips, Brent W Research Technician Lead ICPSR - Membership Archives $ 52,946.00 $ 0.00
Van Noord, Raelene Ann Research Area Specialist Inter Pediatric Surgery Section $ 52,938.38 $ 0.00
Parsegian, Aram RESEARCH FELLOW Molecular & Behav Neurosc Inst $ 52,936.00 $ 0.00
Colbert, Joseph Research Area Specialist Inter Biostatistics Department $ 52,850.00 $ 25,368.00
Mojica-Perez, Sandra Patricia Research Lab Specialist Inter Neurology Department $ 52,818.25 $ 0.00
Paulsen, Michelle Tenbroeke Research Lab Specialist Assoc Radiation Oncology - Can Bio $ 52,758.95 $ 0.00
Wagenmaker, Elizabeth R Research Lab Specialist Inter Molec & Integrative Physiology $ 52,717.25 $ 0.00
Wu, Xiaoyin Research Lab Specialist Assoc Int Med-Gastroenterology $ 52,674.09 $ 0.00
Taymour, Rekar Karwan Research Associate Emergency Medicine Research $ 52,633.88 $ 0.00
Wang, Zhuwen Research Lab Specialist Inter Thoracic Surgery Section $ 52,583.00 $ 0.00
Pal, Anupama Research Lab Specialist Senior Radiation Oncology - Can Bio $ 52,570.00 $ 0.00
Gorelik, Gabriela Judith RESEARCH ASST PROFESSOR Int Med-Rheumatology $ 52,535.00 $ 0.00
Trumpower, Bradley Research Area Specialist Inter Physical Medicine & Rehab Dept $ 52,531.25 $ 0.00
Yang, Kun Research Lab Specialist Inter Int Med-Hematology/Oncology $ 52,531.25 $ 0.00
Wan, Shanshan Research Lab Specialist Inter Transplant Surgery (STX) $ 52,531.25 $ 0.00
Wang, Junying Research Lab Specialist Inter Life Sciences Institute-Admin $ 52,530.00 $ 0.00
Yumoto, Kenji Research Lab Specialist Inter DENT Periodontics and Oral Med $ 52,505.63 $ 0.00
Wan, Duanduan RESEARCH FELLOW Chemical Engineering Dept $ 52,500.00 $ 52,500.00
Robles, Silvia RESEARCH FELLOW G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 52,500.00 $ 52,500.00
Page: 56 of 122

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